My Nintendo 3DS XL finally arrived! Any game recommendations?? #Pokemon #Mario #ChildhoodGames #Memories #StillAChildAtHard lol 내가 주문한 닌텐도 3DS XL 드디어 왔다! ㅎㅎ 게임 추천좀해주세요~ #포켓몬스터 #슈퍼마리오 #어렸을때자주한게임 #추억 #마음은아직초딩 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,973

Since our #ItsOk promotions have officially ended here's a picture of #EmergencyPersonnelPeniel :P #괜찮아요 활동 끝난 기념으로 #구급요원프니엘 사진 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 8,876

About to head to #Busan! #NapTime see you soon! 이제 곧 #부산 으로 출발! #낮잠 자야지~ 곧 봐요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 17,556

#Beast is back with #YeY check it out!!! #비스트 형들 #예이 로 돌아왔습니다!!! 한번 들어봐주세요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 18,762

#Daejeon ️ #Seoul first time riding the #KTX ! # #대전 ️ #서울 #KTX 처음 타본다! # Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 42,420

#Playground ! @imhyunsik first featuring!! Check it out when it comes out everyone!!! @imhyunsik 이 처음으로 피처링한 #Playground 나올때 많이 들어주세요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 27,537

Thank you!!!!! 잘 먹겠습니다!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,733

Whoa~ #BTOB #Bus thank you!!! #ItsOk 우와 #비투비 #버스 고마워요!!! #괜찮아요 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 33,142

My nephew @babyjojen and I look similar as babies... I had no idea until my sister sent me these pictures... Lol 내 조카 @babyjojen 이랑 나랑 생각보다 많이 닮았다... 누나가 사진 보내주기전까지 전혀몰랐어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 34,779

Have you listened to #Beast pre release track?! Check it out! Anticipating the album! #GottaGoToWork #비스트 형들 선공개 곡 #일하러가야돼 들어봤어요?? 앨범 기대된다~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 21,190

With @mark_tuan at #Inkigayo today #JustRight #GOT7 #BTOB #ItsOk 오늘 #인기가요 에서 @mark_tuan 이랑 사진 찰칵!! #딱좋아 #괜찮아요 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 49,996

See you guys soon at #Inkigayo #인기가요 에서 곧 봐요~ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 14,165

Picture time with @sh_9513 while waiting for our turn during #MusicCore #ItsOk #HeartAttack #BTOB #AOA @sh_9513 랑 #음악중심 대기시간때 사진 #찰칵! #비투비 #AOA #괜찮아요 #심쿵해 막방수고했어!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 40,888

Came to watch #Pixels with @btob_2mh !! @btob_2mh 이랑 #픽셀 보러왔다!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 29,033

#APink is back!! #Remember to checkout #Remember hahaha get it? No? Not funny? Ok sorry.. Listen to #Remember once! #에이핑크 가 #Remember 로 컴백했습니다!! 다들 한번 들어봐주세요!!! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 20,768

"The song I featured in came out. Is there a teacher that would like to advertise it for me and show how close BTOB is?" Does this mean @btob_2mh is gonna call me teacher from now on?? 😀 lol #TeacherPeniel #CallMeMrShinFromNowOn 오늘부터 그럼 민혁이형은 나한테 이제 선생님이라고부르는건가??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #프선생 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 21,061

#Huta featured on Postmen's new song! Go check it out! #HutaIsBack @btob_2mh @btob_2mh 가 #포스트맨 선배님들 곡에 피처링했습니다! 한번 들어봐주세요~ #허타이즈백 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 19,773

Went to the convenient store after working out and looks who's on the window?! #BTOB #ItsOk 운동 끝나고 편의점 갔는데 창문에 오잉?!?! #비투비 #괜찮아요 Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 35,723

My friends #GOT7 are back! Check out their album! #JustRight my brother in law @therealkairos also wrote #Mine ! Show that song lots of love too! #GOT7 친구들 컴백했습니다!! #딱좋아 한번 들어봐주세요! 제 매형 @therealkairos 가 #Mine 이라는곡도 썼으니 그것도 먾이 들어주세요! Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 28,239

Met #Playback at #Inkigayo today! Name of their song is also #Playback lol #EasyButConfusing 오늘 오랜만에 #인기가요 에서 #플레이백 만났다~ 노래 이름도 #Playback #좀햇갈리지만쉽죠 ㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @btobpeniel 37,210