โพสต์เมื่อ 30 ส.ค 2556 | 06:53 น.

ชินดงกึน Shin Donggeun
Twitter: @penielshin Snapchat: btobpeniel
ของ พีเนียล BtoB

Heejun (former American idol contestant) said I'm lovely in an interview with Soompi! Woo! Haha make sure you guys support him when he debuts!! :D #Heejun #americanidol #soompi #interview; -
On the way to radio to sing "When I Was Your Man live!~~~~ everyone's gonna listen right?! 내니남 라이브로 부르려고 라디오가는중! 다들 들을거죠?! ^^ ㅎㅎ; -
Too hot today!!!!! So I got 팥빙수 w/ a few of the members!!! 오늘 너무 더워!!! 그래서 멤버몇명이랑 팥빙수!!; -
Present from Pops in Seoul! Matching hat and shirt! Thank you!!! It was an amazing experience :) continue to show your support for Pops in Seoul everyone! #popsinseoul 팝스인서울이 나 한테 준 선물! 모자란 티 세트!!! 그동안 고마웠어요!! 좋은 경엄이었어요! 모두다 팝스계속 시창해주세요 ^^ #팝스인서울; -
Our pictures are out for "When I Was Your Man" :D "내가 니 남자였을 때" 사진 나왔어요!! ^^;
This is my newest Chicago hat that I bought a few days ago~ :) #chitown #chicago #windycity #snapbacks 몇일전에 새로산 시카고모자! :) #시카고 #샤이타운 #스냅백; -
Whoa! Forgot to upload this pic! This is from when we did the Lotte Department store fan meetings! Took this after or last one :P 나 이거 올리는거 까먹었었다! 우리 롯데백화점 팬미팅했었을데 ㅋㅋ 마지막공연후 찍은사진!; -
I was organizing hats that fit me and don't this morning and... All the Chicago hats that fit me!!! Chitown!!!!~~~ :P #chitownreppin #snapbacks #chicago #windycity 오늘 아침에 나한테 맞는모자랑 안맞는모자 정리하다가.. 나한테 맞는 시카고 모자!! ㅎㅎ :) #시카고 #샤이타운 #스냅백; -
I'm bored... What's everyone up to?!?! :P #bored #funnyfaces 나 심심해.... 다들 뭐해??? ㅋㅋ #웃긴표정 #심심해; -
:O had this yesterday.... Want some more! It's addicting!!! Since it's hot look at this pic and cool down :) 빙수! ㅠ 어제 먹었는데.. 또먹고싶다!! 더우니깐 이 사진 보고 cool down해요! ㅋㅋ;
This was on the way to Busan! Sky is so pretty :) lol s/o to everyone who came to Busan! 부산가는길에 찍은 사진~~ 하늘 이쁘다~~~ ^^ 오늘 응원해주러와주신분들 고마워요!! ^^; -
Which one is me?! :O #clones #bored 어떤게 나지?!?! :O; -
The members' parents came and make us dinner! It was delicious~~~ :D #foodgasm #foodporn #stomachisgonnablow #delicious; -
Thanks to 심심타파 I got I eat 삼계탕 for lunch? Dinner? Today :) hehe 심심타파 덕분에 오늘의 점심? 저녁?은 삼계탕!! ㅎㅎㅎ :); -
Took this a few days ago but uploading it now! ! W/ @tokimonsta ! Best female DJ right hurrr~~ haha but seriously! Check out her stuff! It's pretty crazy!!! @tokimonsta 와 함께찍은사진! 찍은지 좀 됐지만 지금 올리네 ㅎㅎ 미국에서 대단한 작곡가/DJ이니깐 한번 찾아보세요! 굿!;
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