This man...an incredible photographer, artist, yogi, teacher, friend and....legging designer!! Check out this one of a kind legging designe by @robertsturman & @ashikagogna.. can't wait to get my hands on a pair! A note from Robert: I went to Italy to make my first pair of leggings. This is the first in an extensive collection of my work appearing on Yoga pants. I chose black and white for the Italy pant for the timelessness of the region -- Many colors from around the world are coming soon. You can order these leggings at www.BendActive.com Cost: $98 Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 467

#BabySyd is wondering if ur enjoying ur Sunday as much as he is? Get outside with ur #lovedones and do something! Practice, #inspireon and live on my #fellowyogis ️ #bryceyoga #inspirationgeneration #yogafamily #yogifamily Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,479

Check out @theonelovemovement and their #stopdropandbekind movement partnered with @teekigram! Want to be part of #theonelovemovement and have a chance to win some #teekis? Here's how it works: follow your hosts @theonelovemovement & @teekigram and post anything that's kind! What to post? an image that captures the essence of your kindness act, your story, tag: @teekigram @theonelovemovement & #stopdropandbekind. Then tag a few friends to go next! Keep the kindness flowing! @theonelovemovement will announce their last winner of for a pair of teekis next Wed! We look forward to seeing your kindness stories! p.s. Anybody going to The One Love Movement charity yoga event this Sat. 9/13? Check it out @theonelovemovement Practice and #inspireon my #fellowyogis #bryceyoga #inspirationgeneration #serveyourheart #onelovetribe #oneloveorbust #fitflowfly #partneryoga #acroyoga #yogacouple #yoga #igyoga #igyogis #yogafamily #yogifamily Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 880

Yoyo my #fellowyogis! Hope everyone is enjoying their week so far. Mark your calendars...I have 4 FREE classes coming up next week at @YogaGlo in Santa Monica. Come on out and play. I would love to see you Wednesday, Sept. 17 (10-11:30 & 12-1pm) Thursday, Sept 18 (10-11am & 11:30am-12:30pm) Photo taken by the always phenomenal @robertsturman in #Sukhothai, #Thailand. Practice and #inspireon #igyogis #igyoga #yoga #yogaglo #bryceyoga #fitflowfly #yogaphotography #yogaphotos #robertsturman #robertsturmanphotography #inspirationgeneration #reversenamaste #virasana Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,472

Yoyo #igyogis! This is DAY of #PublicDisplayOfAcro. It's a face-to-face #partneryoga / #acroyoga #forwardfold. Big thanx to our daughter, Taylor for snapping this pic Be sure to tag and follow the amazing hosts and sponsors @andrew7sealy @fitqueenirene @yogabeyond @danielscottyoga @acroyoga @werkshop @mandukayoga @kindsnacks Practice and #inspireon my peeps ️ #bryceyoga #fitflowfly #inspirationgeneration #yoga #igyoga #yogacouple #yogifamily #yogafamily Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,193

This is the gorgeous and incredibly talented, Ali Owens. We have had the pleasure of traveling and teaching with her the past few years and absolutely love the person and yoga teacher that she is. A new studio has popped up in LA called Yoga Raj and @aliomyoga just happens to be teaching there along with a number of talented yoga teachers! Lastly, it's her birthday! Happy bday Ali! @yogarajwla #spreadthelove #layoga #yogarajwla Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 528

#FutureGolfer??? Maybe #BabySyd rockin' his #golf outfit...diapers. #bryceyoga #babygolf #inspireon #inspirationgeneration Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,320

This is DAY of #PublicDisplayOfAcro my fellow #igyogis. Big thanx to my lovely little one Taylor who decided to help me out with this piece of #acroyoga Check out @andrew7sealy for instructions on this marvelous pose! Be sure to follow and tag the other hosts @fitqueenirene @yogabeyond @danielscottyoga @andrew7sealy @mandukayoga @werkshop @kindsnacks and @acroyoga ️ #bryceyoga #fitflowfly #inspirationgeneration #partneryoga #yogafamily #yogifamily Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,925

Check out our friend Kim Bauman's project called @theonelovemovement. Kim was once an orphan from Korea which is why #theonelovemovement is all about making a difference for kids impacted by homelessness. One thing I know is that as parents of two little ones, we cannot imagine them growing up without love and opportunity. Join The One Love Movement with us and make a difference for our under-privileged kids! Check out the One Love 3rd annual charity yoga event, September 13th in beautiful San Diego, CA! This is a pic from last year! CLICK LINK in @theonelovemovement BIO for event details. Practice and #inspireon my fellow #igyogis ️ #igyoga #bryceyoga #fitflowfly #inspirationgeneration #yogacharity Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 750

Just got home from 3 months of traveling around Australia and Asia. We're a day late on the post, but here's #plankonplank for Day 1 of #PublicDisplayOfAcro. Be sure to use the hashtag and be sure to follow the other stellar hosts @yogabeyond @danielscottyoga @fitqueenirene and @andrew7sealy. Practice and #inspireon my fellow #igyogis #bryceyoga #fitflowfly #partneryoga #acroyoga #igyoga #plank Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,120

Had a great time teaching #babyyoga to 20 babies&mamas yesterday! Thank you #huggiesthailand for an amazing event! #huggiesbabyfitup Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 232

Yoyo #yogis! Here's some more #inspiration for ya Wish I could learn more from this amazing #yogi, #DavidRegelin. Check him out on YouTube, Facebook or on his website, DavidRegelinYoga.com. Everytime I take from him, I learn something new about myself, my practice and my body. Thanx David for all you do brother Practice and #inspireon my fellow yogis! #inspirations #inspirationgeneration #yogainspiration #inspired #armbalance #ekapada1 #ekapadakoundinyasana1 #yogateacher Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 394

The past few pics we posted were taken during the #huggiesbabyfitup shoot in Jan 2014. #babysyd has grown so much!! Don't forget to follow HuggiesThailand Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,058

#babysyd #huggiesbabyfitup #huggiesthailand #babyyoga Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 794

We love doing yoga with the kids at home! #huggiesbabyfitup Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,179

Look at those thunder thighs! This was Sydney at 9 months...can't wait for everyone to see him now! #huggiesbabyfitup Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 1,480

Super excited for our weekend of baby yoga with #huggiesthailand #huggiesbabyfitup! Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 523

Don't miss #huggiesbabyfitup ... Just follow Facebook/HuggiesThailand! Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 859

Old school #partneryoga photo Bri and I did here in Bangkok 2 years back. Finishing up our time here in Asia...loving our last few days, but so looking forward to going back home. Missing all of our friends and family we've encountered in the past 3 months, and stoked to be returning to those back home ️ Don't forget to tag #YogaFeedsAmerica #igyogis on your #yogaphotos...every tag provides one meal for someone in need Also, starting September 1, join us and @yogabeyond @fitqueenirene @danielscottyoga and @andrew7sealy for 10 days of #PublicDisplayOfAcro!!! Sure to be fun! Practice and #inspireon my fellow peeps ️ #bryceyoga #fitflowfly #inspirationgeneration #acroyoga #ekapadakoundinyasana2 #ekapada2 #armbalance #yogacouple #yogafamily #yoga #igyoga Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 2,544

Back to the #inspirations!!!! So lucky to call this #yogi, family, our friend and our teacher. If you haven't followed, checked out, or had the privilege of learning from @phillipaskew, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? His lady @ivykaminer also happens to be a friend, a stellar teacher and great human being Check them both out #igyogis! Big thanx for all you both do ️️️ Practice and #inspireon my fellow #yogis ️ #inspirationgeneration #armbalance #igyoga #yoga #yogi #yogateacher #ekahastabakasana #onearmcrow Instagram ดารา @bryceyoga 607