We tied a #unicorn balloon to my Montreal assistant Mathieu for his birthday at lunch. #Xmen #XMenApocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,244

We tied a #unicorn balloon to my Montreal assistant Mathieu for his birthday at lunch. #Xmen #XMenApocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,244

#Xavier reborn (in process ) #jamesmcavoy #XMEN #XMenApocalypse @xmenmovies Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 6,833

On set with the awesome @Aaronrodgers @Packers photo by #Psylocke @OliviaMunn @xmenmovies #XMEN #XMenApocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 1,487

Happy 4 month birthday to our son Dashiell Clunie-Singer!!!!!! Can't wait to see you!!! Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,356

Yeah, I meant manhole covers, not hubcaps. It was live! I was nervous /: #XMEN #XMenApocalypse @xmenmovies Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 1,389

Pre-Order X-Men Days of Future Past #RogueCut which is being released July 14th on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD! @XMenMovies http://bit.ly/RogueCutDHD Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,055

Parents of #ScottSummers #Cyclops and #AlexSummers #Havok watch the end of the world as they know it unfold on TV #XMEN #XMenApocalypse #3ALITYTechnica Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 4,742

Fun second day with @sophie_789 @lanacondor #JeanGrey #Jubilee #XMEN #XMenApocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,441

Took this for my old buddies from Jersey. 480,000 on #Defender the night #E.T. came out. Rebuilt it for #XMEN #XMenApocalypse Also check out the @Zak_Penn film #AtariGameOver Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,716

Took this for my old buddies from Jersey. 480,000 on #Defender the night #E.T. came out. Rebuilt it for #XMEN #XMenApocalypse Also check out the @Zak_Penn film #AtariGameOver Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,716

First day of shooting #XMEN #XMenApocalypse at the mall. Around #1983 Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,220

#WhiteHouse meets #Westeros @Sophie_789 @GameofThrones #Xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,676

#TonyRomo @DallasCowboys his lovely wife #CandiceCrawford @Sophie_789 and @IamTyeSheridan #JeremyIrvine #JCChasez @BillieJeanKing heading to #WhiteHouseCorrespondentsDinner Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,206

Great night with friends @tonyromo_9 @DallasCowboys his lovely wife #CandiceCrawford @Sophie_789 and @IamTyeSheridan Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,408

Paying respect. @iamtyesheridan @sophie_789 Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,399

Taking a couple of my new #Xmen to DC for the @WhiteHouse #CorespondentsDinner @Sophie_789 @Iamtyesheridan #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,810

Scanning the #xmen #xmenapocalypse mascot, Tauntaun for his epic cameo. @bulldogstuff @dogloversfeed #frenchbulldog #dog Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,316

Welcome back #lucastill #xmen #XmenApocalypse #jamesmcavoy #michaelfassbender #jenniferlawrence #nicholashoult #rosebyrne How time flies! #XmenFirstClass Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 4,567

Scouting X-Mansion. #XMEN #XmenApocalypse Finally back on my feet. #brokefoothealing Just watched the awesome #StarWars teaser! Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,008