Just a few of our amazing background players #Cairo #1983 #xmen #apocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,470

Just a few of our amazing background players #Cairo #1983 #xmen #apocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,555

#Egypt #1983 very hot shooting day. Amazing background players here in #montreal #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 4,756

Sorry I know it's late but I couldn't help Instagraming the back of this cigarette box. #nightofthelivingdead #dawnofthedead #dayofthedead #warmbodies #shaunofthedead #28dayslater #residentevil #thewalkingdead #worldwarz #zombieland #reanimator #returnofthelivingdead #deadalive #theevildead #armyofdarkness #iamlegend #petsematary #thriller #trickrtreat #reefermadnessthemusical Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,790

It's gay pride here in Montreal. Is it getting a little corporate? #montrealgaypride Shout out to my dear friend @candiscayne grand marshal. #LGBT Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,193

Good friend and set visitor #JCChasez tries out our hand held 55 pound #3D rig. #3alitytechnica #nsync #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,318

Just started reading @feliciaday book #youreneverweirdontheinternet Love this girl! Great reading in between takes. #spooked @geekandsundry #setlife #xmen #xmenapocalypse #apocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,279

Set visitor/friend/hostofeverythinguk #andipeters #broomcupboard #BBC #liveandkicking #andimeets #t4 #toystory2 #cityhospital #totp #dancingonice cover of #menshealth #masterchef #goodmorningbritain #xmen #xmenapocalypse #hashtag Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 4,287

I hope I look as good as you at age 65! #happybirthdaysnoopy #DrawSnoopy #peanuts #charlesschultz #snoopy @snoopygrams @peanutsmovie Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 4,129

#eastberlin #1982 #fightclub #benhardy #angel #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 8,198

Couldn't resist posting this beautiful pic of our adorable son Dashiell and his gorgeous mother @michelle_clunie Just over 7 months old! #modernfamily Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,146

Reminds me of #area51 #roswell #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 8,085

Someone drop something? #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 9,825

We arranged to have the #roguecut delivered to all of our hard working #xmen #apocalypse #xmenapocalypse crew members #setlife most of whom had worked on #dofp among so many others. Just a few here, the incredible #vfxsupervisor #johndykstra #starwars -- our incomparable #1stAD #joshmclaglen #avatar #titanic -- my stunning #cinematographer #newtonthomassigel #drive -- and our tireless #gaffer #tonynako #mrandmrssmith Thanks to @finnj and @jsntylr for helping to coordinate such a wonderful gesture. #xmen15 Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,720

#Storm watches over #1983 #Cairo via the magic of real time #simulcam @alexandrashipppp Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 10,504

Just thinking about our beautiful son Dashiell on this sunny day off. @michelle_clunie Back to work tomorrow. Three more weeks to go! #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,850

Contemplating the hundred dollar burger at #mburger #montreal @jayplaliberte @ukladinla Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 7,483

Good luck tonight, not that he needs it, to my dear and talented friend #ChrisMcQuarrie on the opening night of #missionimpossible #roguenation #tomcruise A long way from 8mm war movies in the back yard :) Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,599

Playing air guitar #archangel #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,321

This takes me back to #raidersofthelostark #notallgreenscreen #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 8,640