What shall I wear tonight? A plaid flannel you say? Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 100

In Vegas celebrating my good friend Roy's 70th bday! @siegfriedandroy Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 346

Ran into my good buddy @TheRealStanLee at @NatenAl Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 1,157

At dentist feeling no pain Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 412

Just spoke to awesome students @Yale #RickSordelet Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 310

Sorry. Couldn't resist. @danstudney 2lbs Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 373

#Chinook 25 lbs Ok no more fish pics unless... Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 547

I will eat this! #PointGrey #Vancouver #SockeyeSalmon Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 524

Enjoying the seemingly carefree jellyfish @VancouverAqua Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 493

Jimmy Hendrix waits by the door. Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 555

Much needed night out with friends @KennyOrtegablog and #DarrenRomeo Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 346

Dinner at famous @PalmRestaurant before it closes Sept 30 Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 637

#MikeDougherty left this is the dark in my screening room. #Exorcist watching #Phenomena Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 768

Getting my X-Tattoo with @sirpatstew witnessing midnight. Thanks @SSC_Tattoo & @Louie_perez_3_SSC Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 1,327

Breakfast at #Mellsdiner with @Mischaclu Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 337

Hollywood pool party #davidjanollari Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 634

#creepy Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 253

#regram @assisjeloy @danimalharris Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 1,082

Visit with Dad then back to LA. Had some fantastic script sessions with Simon Mike and Dan. #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 283

Lightning striking the Empire State Building shot with an iPhone Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 928