I thought flying private #g5 @danbilzerian style was supposed to avoid crowds and screaming children. Ooop! #Hawaii Great trip with great friends especially @michelle_clunie and our son #dasheill Nowback to #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,335

Look who I ran into at #amazinghawaiicomiccon @therealstanlee #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 6,645

It's my 50th birthday (ouch), and I just put the finishing touches on the script for my next film. A story I've wanted to retell since childhood. I promise this will be an epic and emotional adventure for all ages! An adventure very dear to my heart. Not abandoning the #xmen universe. Very excited about #xmenapocalypse and beyond. #julesverne #20000leaguesunderthesea #nemo Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,765

It's my 50th birthday (ouch), and I just put the finishing touches on the script for my next film. A story I've wanted to retell since childhood. I promise this will be an epic and emotional adventure for all ages! An adventure very dear to my heart. Not abandoning the #xmen universe. Very excited about #xmenapocalypse and beyond. #julesverne #20000leaguesunderthesea #nemo Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,765

I'm in #Hawaii with my friends for my birthday and just got the #tsunami warning. Waiting till 2:30 AM to see what happens. Meanwhile enjoy the #republican #debate! Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,113

We coincidentally discovered this in boxes in my garage today. My parents bought it for me when we visited the World Trade Center when I was a boy. Our collective hearts break today in remembrance. Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,628

It's always nice to come home to Los Angeles and have your friends leave this in your bed waiting for you. #withfriendslikethese... Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,472

Today my #father turned #86yo a #veteran of the #koreanwar and now a #grandpa I'm so blessed to have him in my life and in good health. This pic he sent me was taken on the set of #valkyrie Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,673

Today my #father turned #86yo a #veteran of the #koreanwar and now a #grandpa I'm so blessed to have him in my life and in good health. This pic he sent me was taken on the set of #valkyrie Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,673

Every time I go over to my good friend #tomdesanto 's #xmen #transformers I always take a picture of this, and always forget to Instagram it. I think it speaks volumes. #laborday yesterday. Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,436

Every time I go over to my good friend #tomdesanto 's #xmen #transformers I always take a picture of this, and always forget to Instagram it. I think it speaks volumes. #laborday yesterday. Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,436

#selfiefail Back stage after my dear friend #darrenromeo #magicbeyondbelief show. He truly did a spectacular job, amazing show! The cat in the pic is called a #serval But he also has an amazing giant #whitetiger inspired by my other dear friends #siegfriedandroy They would be proud. Photo: @lewisrusselld Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,229

#pigeonforge #tennessee #wonderworks #science #museum #darrenromeo #magicbeyondbelief. Photography credit to @greggsrandomness Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,499

In the jump seat with our awesome pilots #G550 Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 2,673

Heading home, but first stopping in #pigeonforge #tennessee to see my friend #darrenromeo perform some #magic tomorrow. Flying @danbilzerian style #G550 Will miss #Montreal #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,228

Farewell #Montreal Back soon! #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 4,759

#simonkinberg pushing my buttons #warroom #xmen #xmenapocalypse Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 5,256

With the master himself #wescraven in June of last year at the #mastersofhorror dinner at #thesmokehouse We first met when I was 19 and he spoke at #royfrumkis film class at #SVA He brought choice scenes from the original #anightmareonelmstreet His lecture was inspiring. Of many things he said, I remember one in particular, "You never know what will truly scare someone. You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on a rotating room just so a lot of blood will shoot into the air, and the audience will say, 'cool.' You can spend $12.00 on a latex tongue and have it lick someone from the inside of a telephone, and the audience will scream their heads off and nearly leap out of their seats." I will mourn the loss of this legend. Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 6,219

Sword fighting with @kevinbaker1988 at #lavo #nyc #starwars before I head back to #Montreal for more #xmen #xmenapocalypse stuff. Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,465

@neverlandbway had me in non-stop laughter and tears in all the best ways! It was great to see my good friend @matty_motown and meet the lovely @lauramichellekelly. Privileged to see #AidanGemme in his last show as Peter, who was also incredible in #waitingforgodot with @sirpatstew & @ianmckellen #glee #findingneverland #harveyweinstein Instagram ดารา @bryanjaysinger 3,781