Two of my favorite people in life~ Show them love & support by following my brothers! 제가 사랑하고 아끼는 사람들중 2명... @jameshobart & @dnlmuntz 꼭 팔로우해주세용^^ 꼭!! 내 형제들~ #jameshobartexperience #crossfit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,854

Tuesday night at the crib... Just chillaxin', watching my boy @jameshobart play some KILL ZONE before bed #brothafromanothamotha #nightcap #ps4 #killzone #crossfit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,500

Dinner after our concert in Changwon~ 우리 창원 콘서트 끝나고 식사 타임^^ 고기고기 맛있다!! #flytothesky #hwanhee #brianjoo #환희 #브라이언 #플라이투더스카이 스 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 4,433

Horror movie time with MA'BOYZ, James Hobart & Dan Muntz~ wish @roblawson9 @coachpanda @greggmartino were all here #anabelle #jameshobartexperience #horror Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,580

Finally! My secret weapon for getting in amazing shape is for free for the first 100 only: www.automaticbody.com PROMO CODE: BGMJ110 (U.S. & Canada only, Korea COMING SOON!) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,436

So frickin' happy that ALL my homies came to watch my concert today~ love you guys:) #crossfit #seoulstrong #jameshobartexperience ameshobartexperience #flytothesky Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,241

One of the BEST #broSesh days in history~ we ate, chilled, trained, ate again, and then chillaxed at my crib:) Goodtimes always w/ @jameshobart and of course with @roblawson9 @greggmartino @coachpanda & @dnlmuntz #crossfit #community Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,575

#InstaSize home cooked breakfast at the Joo'house in #Seoul With my @crossfit bros @coachpanda @jameshobart @roblawson9 @greggmartino eggs, bacon, Sweet Potato& Carrot Hash browns, and some sliced avocado... @killcliff #killcliff #crossfit @reebok @roguefitness #seoulstrong Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,375

Hanging with the boys~ @reebok on top and @roguefitness on bottom.. Dinner & good chats~ #bromance #crossfit #reebok #roguefitness #community #seoulstrong #sentinel #horror Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,035

The guest room in my apt. is 90% complete~ Hope family, close friends, and CrossFitters find it to feel like home:) #seoulstrong #crossfit #community #theresnoplacelikehome Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,348

One of my fans owns a bakery in Korea, and started making gluten-free goodies for me:) My fans are the BEST! 우리 팬들이 최고에용^^ 절 위해서 글루탄 없는 빵도 만들어주고~ 최고최고최고 #flytothesky Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 533

One of my fans owns a bakery in Korea, and started making gluten-free goodies for me:) My fans are the BEST! 우리 팬들이 최고에용^^ 절 위해서 글루탄 없는 빵도 만들어주고~ 최고최고최고 #flytothesky Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 533

Good times with my Irish Brotha @jonnysmut ... Always a pleasure spending time:) #crossfit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,233

I have a secret weapon... keep an eye out for more info!! Get ready y'all Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,170

Good times with Korean BBQ in Seoul~ Crossfit brings the world together... Glad my homies @jameshobart @coachpanda and @jonnysmut are in town:) #crossfit #community #seoulstrong Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,441

Good to have my homies @jameshobart @coachpanda And Kevin Lim in town:) and Great to workout with you brothas as well~ #crossfit #sentinel #seoulstrong #brodown #community Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,392

Opening day for my flower shop:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,342

Settin' up for the opening of Brian+Trianon @trianon ~ Need flowers & plants? Come on by:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,459

The reason why I hate getting out of bed sometimes #dogs #love Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,267

This is why I love the @crossfit #community soooo much~ nothing but love & support for each other! And proud to say @carlpaoli is my brotha #dowork Miss ya Carl~ 저는 이래서 Crossfit 커뮤니티를 너무 좋아합니다~ 저랑 친한 Carl Paoli가 상항 응원해주고 서포트 해주면서 우리를 항상 사랑을나눕니다^^ Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,415