At the @reebokkorea ZPump Event! This place is POPPIN' Y'all!! With my man @cwittman ... Good times~ #reebok #reebokzpump #bromance #zpump #timesquarekorea #bemorehuman #reebokclassics #community Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,605

#Repost @sentinelfitness ・・・ #Repost @carlpaoli with @repostapp. ・・・ @FreestyleConnection Seminar coming to Seoul, S. Korea! I will be at Reebok CrossFit Sentinel Uptown. Gangnam-gu Daechi-dong 948 Autoway Tower B2 강남구 대치동 948 오토웨이타워 지하2층 Seoul , Seoul, Korea UT.info@rcfsentinel.com To SIGN UP, visit: https://freestyleconnection.pushpress.com/open/event/freestyle-connection-seminar---seoul-kor-1 #reebokcrossfitsentinel #sentineluptown #carlpaoli #gymnastics #crossfit #improvement #크로스핏 #센티넬 #리복로핏센티넬 #센티넬업타운 #운동 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,504

여러분! 제 친구 @carlpaoli 이제 곧 한국에 옵니다^^ 4월 4일날 @sentinelfitness 에서 세미나를합니다! 지금 비로 신청하세용!! 자리가 없어지기전에!!! @FreestyleConnection 지금 바로www.gymnasticswod.com/seminars 가셔서 신청하길~ #FreestyleConnection #carlpaoli Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,422

우리 '마이네임' 많이 사랑해주세요^^ 너무 사랑스러운 우리 후배동생들~ @insoo_casper @iibbgwiixxy @kkangx @chaejin95 우리 한 가족 같죠? ㅋㅋㅋ #myname #flytothesky #brianjoo #hwanhee #thebrian #환희 #브라이언 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,337

My breakfast this morning, bacon, eggs, gluten-free pancakes, avocado, to wash it all down with @killcliff :) Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday (in Korea WhiteDay) #reebok #themostimportantmeal #glutenfree #killcliff #musclepharm #화이트데이 #펌프하라 #reebokzpump Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,931

Thank you @reebok Korea for hooking me up... #reebok for life! And love working out in my new Reebok Competes~ I feel like an Asian @richfroning now... LOL! #crossfit #seoulstrong #펌프하라 #zpump Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,452

#InstaSize 뮤지컬 배우 김호영님의 TALK SHOW 3/23(월) 저 출연해요~ 많은 분들 꼭 와주시길^^ will be on Musical Actor, Ho-Young Kim's talk on March 23... Hope lots of you can make it;) #thebrian #musical #theater #dowork #briantrianon #brianjoo Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,083

My creation from today's ONE DAY CLASS! It's also for sale:) 오늘 제가 만든 작품~ 예쁘게봐주세용!! #briantrianon #thebrian 문의 전화는) 070-7808-3366 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,076

Just sitting at home with my homie NATE GRAY, watching the LIVE announcement for CrossFit OPEN workout 15.2! Goodluck world:) #crossfit #reebok #ryourogue #killcliff #progenex #seoulstrong #dowork #Community #ohs #ctbpullups #extremeendurance Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,289

나의 비타민~ Vitamin @ducati0117 ... 여러분들한테 꼭 추천합니다^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ #환희 #플라이투더스카이 #브라이언 My Daily Vitamin~ Vitamin H:) #hwanhee #flytothesky #brianjoo #briantrianon #brianandtrianon #mnet #mcountdown Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 5,951

#Repost @briantrianon ・・・ 3월6일 180 커피로스터스에 오시면 브라이언사장님이 직접 로스팅 하신 B&T Fresh Coffee 브뜨커피를 드실수 있어요:) 커피에서 꽃향이 나요! _ 커피와스콘을 함께드려요,커피의수익금은 전액 기부됩니다! Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,255

Good job so far SENTINEL ONE crew! Let's have fun and rock all the 2015 OPEN workouts! #crossfit #asiaregion #rcfsentinel #seoulstrong #Community #theopen #dowork #reebok #reebokcrossfitsentinel #killcliff #ryourogue Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,579

15.1 is in the books~ 15.1: 157 reps & 15.1A: 255lbs!! Can't wait to see what the next four will be! #crossfit #reebok #theopen #reebokcrossfitsentinel #seoulstrong #ryourogue #asiaregion Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,285

Awesome news!!!!!!! @roguefitness just released my homie's @jameshobart t-shirt! I am so proud of my brotha... Gonna order mine today! Y'all need to go to www.roguefitness.com and purchase the James Hobart Shirt... Show my brotha support!!! #ryourogue #thejameshobartexperience #JamesHobart #teamhobart #reebok #cfne #CrossFit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,739

'푸푸리' 아직도 사용안해보셨나요? 지금 당장 @briantrianon으로가셔서 구매하세용^^ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 화장실 에티켓은 '푸푸리' 29ml: 10,000원 59ml: 15,000원 118ml: 25,000원 휴지+푸푸리 59ml: 17,000원 문의) 070-7808-3366 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,692

Get ready to tune into @tbswhatspoppin on TBSeFM 101.3 BACK TO WORK everyone!! 곧 웣으팝핀 청취해주삼^^ 101.3FM #dowork #liveradio Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 4,325

Look mom~ I'm on TV... Lol~ KBS2! Right now in Korea!! #seoulstrong Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,989

지금 KBS2에서 "설특집! 스타는 투잡중~" 본방사수! 지금 바로 채널 고정^^ #kbs #brianjoo #girlsgeneration #kpoplife Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,961

Happy Lunar New Year~ 모두 다 새해 복 많이 받으세용 #dowork #tbsefm #whatspoppin #brianjoo #ryourogue #reebok #happylunarnewyear Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 495

드디어! 2/16(월요일날) 부터 '푸푸리'를 우리 @briantrianon 1호점에서 구매할수있습니다! 이건 꼭 화장실 에티켓에 꼭 필요합니다~ 저도 완전 좋아하고 늘 사용합니다!! #briantrianon #brianandtrianon 문의) 070-7808-3366
Finally! @poopourri is available in Korea and we are the first official offline store to carry this amazing product... I use it ALL the time... Come and get yours at