โพสต์เมื่อ 21 ก.พ. 2558 | 21:01 น.

Brian Joo
K-Pop Entertainer, Fly to the Sky member, Owner of 4TP Fitness: CrossFit 4TP, Owner of Brian & Trianon Floral Cafe & Academy! God is GREAT!
ของ ไบรอัน จู

지금 KBS2에서 "설특집! 스타는 투잡중~" 본방사수! 지금 바로 채널 고정^^ #kbs #brianjoo #girlsgeneration #kpoplife; -
Happy Lunar New Year~ 모두 다 새해 복 많이 받으세용 #dowork #tbsefm #whatspoppin #brianjoo #ryourogue #reebok #happylunarnewyear; -
드디어! 2/16(월요일날) 부터 '푸푸리'를 우리 @briantrianon 1호점에서 구매할수있습니다! 이건 꼭 화장실 에티켓에 꼭 필요합니다~ 저도 완전 좋아하고 늘 사용합니다!! #briantrianon #brianandtrianon 문의) 070-7808-3366 Finally! @poopourri is available in Korea and we are the first official offline store to carry this amazing product... I use it ALL the time... Come and get yours atstarting Feb. 16 (Monday) To learn more about this AWESOME creation, go to: http://youtu.be/ZKLnhuzh9uY #bathroometiquette #idontpoo #ismelllikeflowers; -
Hard at work on a Friday night, cause of Valentine's Day tmrw~ Made some special floral arrangements #valentines #briantrianon #brianandtrianon #brianjoo #seoulstrong; -
Seriously miss this dude sooo much... Lol:) My brotha from a white mother @lucie_fh @jameshobart <--- follow him y'all!! ・・・ More #tbt action. This time from my month stay in Korea back in October. Was lucky to get a lot of time with my Korean brother from another mother @brianjoomuzik #tinfoilhead took me to his K-Popstar hair saloon which eneded in the most expensive haircut of my life along with @dnlmuntz #korea #muntzter #CrossFit #Community #goldhairdontcare #thebrian #flytothesky;
Valentine's Day is here~ If you're in Seoul, Korea; get your flowers for your lover at @briantrianon! Address: ChungDam Dong 57-16 Or order by phone by calling: 070-7808-3366; -
마이클 부블레 콘서트 오프닝 밴드였던 내츄럴리세븐 공연 관람예정! 마이클부블레때 너무 인상적이어서 단독 공연도 기대됩니다. http://ticket.interpark.com/Ticket/Goods/GoodsInfo.asp?GoodsCode=14014489; -
Good morning y'all~ Hope you guys have a wonderful day & I'm starting off my day with LIVE radio and a clean home-made breakfast! Bacon, Scrambled eggs w/ onions and garlic, and oven roasted cherry tomatoes~ #seoulstrong #dowork #homemade; -
#Repost @briantrianon ・・・ - 루게릭 환우를 위한 첫번째, 플라워 바자회 _ 2015년 2월 13일 14일 am9:30~pm22:00 장소 : 뜨리아농 갤러리아 포레점 (서울시 성수동 성수1가 685-696 갤러리아포레 1층 104호) _ -briantrianon- _ _070-8736-9699문의전화 _ _브라이언과 함께하는 포토존 행사가 있을예정입니다. 많이 참석해 자리를 빛내주세요 _ _#브라이언#뜨라아농#브라이언앤뜨리아농#briantrianon#trianon#자선바자회#thecharitybazaar#플라이투더스카이#flytothesky#brian#; -
Good Saturday evening eats in Seoul:) and so happy to see the new member of the WITTMAN family! #crossfit #seoulstrong #reebok #saturdaynight;
Good Saturday evening eats in Seoul:) and so happy to see the new member of the WITTMAN family! #crossfit #seoulstrong #reebok #saturdaynight; -
#Repost @briantrianon ・・・ be sure to follow us too:) 브라이언#brian#뜨리아농#briantrianon#브뜨; -
During our @briantrianon SaturdayAll these lovely ladies are hard at work! #brianandtrianon #brianjoo #seoulstrong 우리 브뜨 토요일 '전문가 반' 수업시간~ 너무 열심히하시는 우리 꽃님들^^; -
Yeah... Miss training with this kid~ like a little brotha I've never had:) #Repost @foornation ・・・ Miss this guy right now! I know he's doing his thing in korea singing but miss throwing down with him and all the boys at Reebok Crossft Sentinelone! Hope all is well an see you guys soon! Oh yea this was when we were trying to decide who is bigger...... Idk.....#progenex #fitaid #killcliff #outlawlife #boxtribe #reebok #korea #flytothesky #rogue #herowraps #rpmfitness #madfitter #caffineandkilos #crossfit #strengthwraps; -
So needed this today~ Gotta recharge my body... Feel like I'm runnin' on an empty tank! #seoulstrong #brianandtrianon #crossfit #kpoplife #brianjoo #mrfoot #recharge #relax #serenity;
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