Llama llama #esquire #에스콰이어 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 52,197

지민이 내 손에 싸인 해줬오 ㅋㅋ 기분이 좋네 ㅋ OMG OMG Jamie signed my hand!! #jiber #지버 #byekeric #ASC @jamiepark @realericnam @kevin_woo1125 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 106,293

ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사해요 선배님 ㅋㅋ 엠버 크레파스 라마색깔!!! Untouchable changed their lyrics for me teehee :) Amber, crayon, llama colored #untouchable #crayon #라마색깔 @leepykim Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 110,892

붕어야... 우리 정신 좀 차리자 Goldfish... We cray #붕마 #정신좀챙기실게요 #ratchetsalon @aileeonline Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 134,180

Bread Guitar 빵 기타 @laserzz @sunnyseoeunkim @xomiamelia Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 128,566

Thoughts at night... 새벽의 생각들... #grinding #작업 #졸려도좋아 #lettinggo Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 107,323

이민영 항상 고마워 @therealminnn #다른여자말고이민영 #zombiebuddies Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 61,575

Part 2. and the big finish... 마지막에 임펙트... #LLAMAPIRATES @jamesjhl Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 108,869

라운드2 미안해 민아야 @bbang_93 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 113,298

I is a llamacorn~ 난 라마콘~ #tbt Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 137,441

아침에 문자 하다가 오늘 우연히 같은 행사에서 만난 우리 지노삼촌 ㅋㅋ 저 따라오지말라고 했잖아요!... I was just texting this dude in the morning and we end up at the same event... Stop following me Uncle Zino.. @realisshoman Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 46,621

이민영ㅋㅋ 모하니?ㅋㅋ 사랑한다야 @therealminnn #4가지쇼 http://m.tvcast.naver.com/v/355795 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 29,904

사랑한적 있니 떠올린적 있니 한번이라도 너는 한번이라도 나를 한번이라도... @genneo1 #젠니오 #genneo #thinkaboutus #멋있는척 #ㅋㅋ And thanks&congrats to my bro Genneo for putting out this song and helping me make the cover&video. EVERYBODY CHECK OUT THE REAL SONG!! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 109,600

Jumping Llama! 뛰는 라마! @redgod26 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 70,455

Jumping Llama! 뛰는 라마! @redgod26 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 70,455

Yo Jimin's new track "Hopeless Love" is dope!! Listen and support! 지민아!! 너 멋있다! 신곡 "Hopeless Love" 많이 사랑해주세요!! @jamiepark Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 140,162

Yo Jimin's new track "Hopeless Love" is dope!! Listen and support! 지민아!! 너 멋있다! 신곡 "Hopeless Love" 많이 사랑해주세요!! @jamiepark Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 140,162

Fly and don't let anyone stop you. 세상의 중력 무시하며 날어. Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 121,288

우리 김민영 생일 축하해^^ 미안해 연기 이제 그만할게... 못하니까ㅋ Happy Birthday to Ellin!! Go wish her a happy bday everyone! @hiellin Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 68,240