A team sticks together. Literally. 팀은 뭉쳐야 된다. 정말로. #mymanager #매니저오빠사랑합니다 #매니저오빠감사해요 #이호준님 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 34,752

우리 곰돌이 #benatural Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 76,433

공주님이 괜찮대요 ㅋ "Princess doesnt mind" #앞으로해도정수정 #거꾸로해도정수정 #imadeatypoiknow Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 53,345

#selfie Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 42,523

We are T! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 94,737

I win. 내가 이김. @kanginnim Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 110,682

Me and the stupid @jehanpark_ #aomg #jehanisstupid Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 106,562

Me and the stupid @jehanpark_ #aomg #jehanisstupid Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 106,562

Not at home but still with family. Happy thanksgiving everyone! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 104,712

Not at home but still with family. Happy thanksgiving everyone! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 104,712

I wanna grow taller pt. 2 That means you @ireneisgood Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 100,703

Find the llama at the aquarium 아쿠아리움에서 라마찾기 #igotnobooty #llamalife Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 64,324

Love at first sight 첫눈에빠짐 #llamalife Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 78,203

LLAMA CAR BETA designed by Girls' Day Minah 라마차 BETA 걸스데이 방민아디자이너님 감사감사ㅋ Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 103,392

Llamaface at jeju island Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 91,687

수고 많았다 공주님 ㅋㅋ Good work your majesty~ Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 140,413

a toilet paper mummy and a vampire. #themichasbeendropped Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 85,570

Kendrick이랑 메롱. @jeskaoak Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 49,233

This is how a real family wakes up. 레알 가족들은 이렇게 일어납니다. Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 100,859

THANK YOU EVERYONE! Due to @tiffanyyparkk 's dare... Ill be like this all day.. Come find me! 여러분 감사해요!! 친구의 내기 때문에 하루종일 이럴겁니다... 저 찾으러와요!! (Shout out to @soyuri the tay swift touch is for u) Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 86,330