Blonde 3x 노란머리팀 ㅋㅋ #smtownjapan Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 87,381

Took this picture as a joke cuz my hair was all crazy... But to my surprise i turned out pretty sexy looking :] 머리가 헝크러져서 장난으로 찍은 사진이데... 잘 나와서 놀램. #narcissist #smtownjapan #YAAASS Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 161,613

SMTOWN TOKYO Day 1! ありがと!!️️ Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 79,543

나 엠버는 바보다 수정이는 천재다 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 162,779

연습 Practice #smtownjapan Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 118,573

Ring tan problems... 반지 탠닝 문제... Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 37,345

아송포유 시즌4 엠씨들! 볼찬, 라마, 힘센사람 첫녹화 끝!! AS4U Season 4 MCs! BALLchan, Llama, Strong Dude Done with the first taping! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 138,169

수고했어 에릭냠ㅋㅋ Good job Eric! #첫콘서트끝낸남자 @realericnam @jamiepark Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 120,584

My attempt at a puppyface. #selfiegame #iknowcute #narcissist #dontkillme Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 496

민영아 사랑해️ I love you my zombie buddy️ @therealminnn #happybirthday #다른여자말고너 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 67,938

This is my foot. 이거 내 발. #skate Chilling #DPR style. Cameos from @__livelive @christianyu_ @shhhkim http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=420&aid=0000002313 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 128,676

I FOUND NEMO! 니모를 찾았습니다! #justkeepswimming Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 155,237

Def a dog on me i woke up. 일어났는데... 잭잭이.. @jackjackandgongju Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 132,112

Captain LLAMA... Hopefully... Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 121,664

Makeup for the first time in a while... Feels weird. 오래만에 메이컵... 어색 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 119,475

김현아 바보 생일축하해^^ ㅋㅋ 보고싶어~~~ Happy bday Hyuna!! #92라인 #내친규 @hyunah_aa Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 157,882

Llamasaurus just hatched. 라마 계란이 왔어요~~ #llamalife Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 144,992

Shenanigans. 막. #zoolanderface # Photo by LEON @ywywmlt Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 132,393

Dont look down Up this high We'll never hit the ground. Photo by LEON @ywywmlt Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 101,229

The struggle is very real. 인생은 참 힘드네. #엠감독 #directorllama Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 139,773