This is how the llama family chills. 오빠라마 여동생라마 🌮🌮🌮 #throwback Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 166,338

#igotanewphone #narcissist Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 158,922

Thank you guys for such an amazing weekend! Always love performing and goin crazy. Thank you to Jae @beatburgerjae for always believing in us and making this show possible. All the dancers, staff, & KLAV worked really hard day & night to make the experience as memorable as possible for not only us but for you guys. Thank you everyone!!! Next stop... JAPAN!!! :) #dimension4 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 215,231

Thanks for coming out everyone!! LAST DAY TOMORROW LETS GO! #dimension4 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 183,990

The goldfish and sunyoung unni came out yesterday too! Thanks fam :) whos ready for day 2!? #dimension4 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 172,072

Thank to my fam for coming out to support me today!! #dimension4 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 170,238

Thank you everyone for making the start of this crazy weekend awesome! Hope everyone who came enjoyed the show :) lets do it again tomorrow! And again the next day! #dimension4 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 183,679

Sorry i havent been spending more time with u buddy. Listen to the aunties while im gone. @jackjackdadog Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 151,999

_____ ______ ______ ____! 다 같이! Together!! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 134,691

Its name is KLAV. Dimension 4- Docking Station this week starting on friday! See you there 이름은 "KLAV" 입니다. 콘서트 이번주 금요일부터입니다! 그때 봐요! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 148,089

When you're too cold and have given up on movin. 너무 추워서 움직일 생각 하나도 없음. Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 153,482

Taking a break :) 쉴때 놀아야지! D-6 till Dimension 4! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 151,743

I am suddenly hungry. 갑자기 배고파. #sockgamestrong #llamalocker #kobe10christmas Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 122,143

Love you noodle!! We cray cray @btobpeniel Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 129,644

Thanks so much for our golden disk award u guys! Cant wait to see u guys at the concert! 여러분덕분에 골디본상 받았어요! 감사해요! 다음에 콘서트에서 보는걸로! Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 174,536

GAAAHHH dance. #dimension4 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 174,246

Without this guy, you wouldn't see the SM artists as they are today. Thank you always, Jae!!! 우리 재원이오빠 없었다면 우리 에스엠 아티스트들 없었을거에요 우리 재원이오빠 사랑하고 감사해요!! @beatburgerjae Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 180,469

Get on my level. And yes, those are panda socks. #sockgamestrong #llamalocker Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 141,661

All i need are my puppy and my shoes :) #woofwoof #justdoit #airmaxinvigor @jackjackdadog @typhoon0705 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 100,656

몇시? 섹시!! 영미언니랑 ㅋㅋ What time is it? SEXAY TIME! with Ahn Young Mi #아이돌전국노래자랑 Instagram ดารา @ajol_llama 99,242