โพสต์เมื่อ 22 พ.ค. 2558 | 02:22 น.

ไบรโอนี่ รอดโพธิ์ทอง
️Lovers of life, Lovers in life. Parents,Traveling Yoga Teachers, Handstand&Acro Enthusiasts 10/2 Jeju Island, 10/8-9 Worthersee, 10/10-11 Moscow
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Only 24 hours left to get my Sequence Bundle on @codyapp for 30% off! If you’ve ever wanted to unlock the inversions and arm balances in “The Contortionist” video by Q by Equinox, this is your chance! codyapp.com/sequencebundle (link in bio) One of the best ways to learn new movements is in a class-like structure, and that's exactly how I designed the plans in this 3-part series. In The Sequence: Handstands you will build strength, learn proper alignment, and develop the muscle memory to become inverted; the Arm Balances plan will teach you the elements of Eka Pada II, Kukkutasana, and more so you can learn at your own pace and build on your growing knowledge each week; in my Classes plan you will put everything into practice and incorporate our movements into full-length flows – including the actual Q by Equinox video!; -
May #ACROVINYASA challenge Day 21: #ToeBalance Hello #IGYogis! We are insta'ing from Lake #Worthersee, #Austria...one of the most majestic and beautiful places this planet has to offer. Between working 12hr days and handling Baby Syd's and our jet lag, we've been slacking on posting for this challenge. For this we apologize! We're heading to Graz, Austria for the weekend to teach at Yoga Life! If you are free, come on out and get your yoga on with us! Here's our Toe Balance...happening on a ledge at the beautiful lake! Practice and #inspireon my fellow peeps ️ Amazing shorts by @eastonwestapparel @seanphelpslife And @mikiashyoga. Thanx guys For step-by-step tips on how to get into this pose check out @ACROVINYASA As always, big thanx to @YogaBeyond for all they do ️ Post your pics/vids in #AcroVinyasa and tag all hosts and our sponsor in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @BryceYoga @AloYoga #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #Yoga #IGYoga; -
#InspirationGenerationChallenge ️Day 3️ We've chosen to celebrate the support and community that IG has helped us cultivate. We met this lovely couple on the left (@YogaBeyond) through IG and other social media platforms and they were kind enough to come and eat a meal with us in Sydney last year. We realized very quickly that there were many parallels in our personalities and couldn't wait to hang out more. We saw them just a couple of weeks ago and they forced me into standing on Dice's feet, a pose that I have always hated as I feel totally out of control. Well, it's exactly what I needed to help me let go and trust my hubby! Has social media ever helped you connect with cool people in real life? Well, now you can!! ------------------------------------------------- This August 22-26 they are teaching at @IGGETAWAY in LA with us and @fitqueenirene @laurasykora @mackenziemiller @cuchira @theyogimatt @dylanwerneryoga ------------------------------------------------- TICKETS ARE FOR SALE NOW (today is our first day so hurry and take advantage of early bird pricing)! Link for registration in bio ------------------------------------------------- Today is the last day @aloyoga will be choosing a winner to receive a $100 gift card, so get your posts in today! We will announce the winners at the end of the week. All you have to do is: ️Stop, Drop and Yoga for Nepal ️Follow @aloyoga & tag them in your post! ️Use the hashtag #InspirationGenerationChallenge ️Nominate and tag a friend to do the same! ------------------------------------------------- We’re still on our way to 10,000 posts. Let’s keep it going!; -
48 hours left to get The Sequence Bundle on @codyapp for 30% off! codyapp.com/sequencebundle (link in bio) When I launched this bundle last week I had no idea the overwhelming feedback I would receive! Thank you, everyone! I am so proud of this series and am incredibly humbled by the outpouring of support! From @yogagrrllie: Briohny's instruction is clear and precise. Doing theses classes has transformed my approach to handstand! I have found deeper connections and more intelligent movement with these workouts. Today I held the longest handstand to date! I owe it to these classes that have given me a deeper connection to my core and how I approach this pose! Thank you Briohny! From @teaisfortiff: Omggggg starting to see the first signs of a press handstand!! Been using @codyapp's The Sequence with @bryceyoga. Thanks Briohny for the tips, so exciting to see progress!; -
#InspirationGenerationChallenge Day 2! We've chosen to TRY this pose inspired by the amazing @dylanwerneryoga and @ashleygalvinyoga . This was much harder than it looks as my fear of falling forward got the best of me but my strong hubby supported me like always so I could defy gravity for s second! Dang Dylan is strong!!! @aloyoga has been gracious enough to sponsor today and tomorrow of the challenge by giving away two $100 gift cards to two lucky yogis who post today and tomorrow. We will announce the winners at the end of the week. All you have to do is: ----------------------------------- ️Stop, Drop and Yoga (any pose) for Nepal ️Follow @aloyoga & tag them in your post! ️Use the hashtag #InspirationGenerationChallenge ️Nominate and tag a friend to do the same! ------------------------------------------ We still have a goal of reaching 10,000 posts in just 7 days! Let’s do it! -------------------------------------------------Check out the other co-host pages for more pose inspiration: @fitqueenirene @dylanwerneryoga @laurasykora @theyogimatt @yogabeyond @cuchira @alikathrine @fit_influxr @aloyoga;
Hello #InspirationGenerationChallenge day 1! -----------------------------------------------We’re already seeing so many of you post, so thank you so much! Please join us as we raise awareness and encourage as many people as we can through social media to donate to Nepal. Stop, Drop and Yoga! Follow my fellow co-hosts @YogaBeyond @LauraSykora @FitQueenIrene @TheYogiMatt @BryceYoga @Cuchira @MackenzieYoga @DylanWernerYoga @AliKathrine @Fit_Influx @iggetaway Donate, if you can, to any of the sites that offer relief to Nepal. We will be donating to the Red Cross Earthquake Relief Fund for Nepal. Use the hashtag #InspirationGenerationChallenge Nominate and tag a friend to do the same! We still have a goal of reaching 10,000 posts in just 7 days! Let’s do it! -------------------------------------------------Our #StopDropAndYoga pose today is Vrksasana (tree) lending a helping hand to Adho Mukha Vrksasana (upward facing tree/handstand). This is a #FitFlowFly favorite!; -
May #ACROVINYASA challenge Day 16: #F2S #Utkatasana #ChairPose Had a blast this weekend @themadsionphx with some amazing and dedicated yogis like my brotha from a different mutha, @antonyoga11! If you happen to be in the Phoenix area, check him out. Stellar practitioner, teacher, and human being Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy lives to come and practice with me this weekend Here you can see Anton and me, getting our F2S Utkatasana on in the middle of the Phoenix International Airport! For step-by-step tips on how to get into this pose check out @ACROVINYASA As always, big thanx to @YogaBeyond for all they do ️ Post your pics/vids in #AcroVinyasa and tag all hosts and our sponsor in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @BryceYoga @AloYoga #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #Yoga #IGYoga #AcroYoga #ShinStand #bros; -
So happy that #inspirationgenerationchallenge is starting tomorrow and that this handsome man is coming home! Thank you @themadisonphx and @antonyoga11 for taking care of him! @backtoawake; -
We've been working so hard on @IGGETAWAY this past week so it feels really nice to spend some down time with babySyd...even though he has a fever and has been on my hip all day. Taking a step back has just made me even more excited for the upcoming #InspirationGenerationChallenges celebration over the next 4 months that culminate in bringing the Yogi Instagram community to life this Aug 22-26 in Santa Monica, CA with @laurasykora @dylanwerneryoga @yogabeyond @fitqueenirene @cuchira @bryceyoga @theyogimatt @mackenzieyoga and the very talented man that took this picture... @robertsturman ! Who else is excited?!? The first few days of our first challenge are sponsored by everyone's favorite yoga apparel brand (and that brand that designed what I'm wearing here: @aloyoga Happy Saturday!; -
May #ACROVINYASA challenge Day 15: #Utkatasana #ChairPose Happy Friday everyone! Today's pose is all about finding a strong foundation through your feet and legs...Chair Pose! This is a picture from our Bryce Yoga TT manual. This will be our 3rd year in Koh Samui, Thailand, running our 200hr TT through the month of July. If you're interested in this year or next, please check out @absoluteyogaacademy or absoluteyogaacademy.com We'd love to be a part of your yoga path! For step-by-step tips on how to get into this pose check out @ACROVINYASA Post your pics/vids in #ACROVINYASA and tag all hosts and our sponsor in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @BryceYoga @AloYoga #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #yoga #IGYoga #IGGetaway;
Our thoughts and prayers go out to @yulady @geraldsaluti and family. Please send healing energy their way. @yulady is the strongest woman we know and such an inspiration. #getwellsoon; -
Yesterday I announced my @codyapp Sequence Bundle! In this 3-part series I share with you my secrets to learning some of the most recognizable inversions and arm balances from “The Contortionist” video by Q by Equinox and show you how to apply your skills to actual flows! codyapp.com/sequencebundle (link in bio) This bundle includes TWO BRAND NEW plans! The first will teach you the all of the elements of arm balances and the other will apply the knowledge from both The Sequence: Handstand and Arm Balances Classes into guided 25-40 minute flows! This series is designed to build upper body strength, hand and shoulder alignment, as well as to develop the muscle memory to learn balance and get inverted. Each lesson builds upon the techniques covered in previous sessions so you’re able to revisit, practice, and grow your skills during our time together and beyond!; -
Syd, Tay Tay, and Bri are asleep. That means evening #HomePractice, my fellow yogis 15sec = 1 to 2 breaths. In my case = currently, 4 to 5. Always working on slowing things down. How about you? #InspiredBy @dkyoga and @gokulacandra. Both are phenomenal yogis and teachers. Haven't followed the yet? Get to it! Thanks gents for all you do Wanna practice with me? Come and get your #yoga on with me @yogaglo! Practice and #InspireOn my fellow yogis ️ by #Bahamas #AllTheTime; -
May #ACROVINYASA challenge Day 14: #Tadasana #MountainPose #TayTay and #BabySyd getting their Tadasana on, on top of Mama #Briohny Hope you're all enjoying this awesome challenge so far! And speaking of challenges, we are so excited for the launch of @IGGETAWAY and the #InspirationGenerationChallenge! We will have some phenomenal IG yogis participating, including your lovely hosts, @YogaBeyond / @ACROVINYASA!!! Check out IGgetaway.com for more details For step-by-step tips on how to get into this pose check out @ACROVINYASA As always, big thanx to @YogaBeyond for all they do ️ Post your pics/vids in #AcroVinyasa and tag all hosts and our sponsor in your caption: @ACROVINYASA @YogaBeyond @BryceYoga @AloYoga #BryceYoga #InspirationGeneration #Yoga #IGYoga #AcroYoga #ShinStand #YogaFamily #YogiFamily; -
I’m so excited to announce my complete Sequence Bundle on @codyapp with THREE plans and over 7 hours of videos to address all of the inversions and arm balances in “The Contortionist” video by Q by Equinox! codyapp.com/sequencebundle (link in bio) The tutorials in the arm balance and handstand plans will prep your body, teach you proper alignment, refine basic postures, and build strength and balance so that you can master Crow Transitions, Eka Pada II, and Chin Stand. Then we’ll bring it all together in 25-40 minutes flows to apply your newfound knowledge. In order for you to learn in the most effective way, I’ve included a FREE 30-day practice calendar specifically designed for these three programs! I am incredibly proud of this series and feel so honored to share it with you. If you already have my Handstands plan, expect a special email offer from @codyapp very soon!;
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