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Lazy SUNday #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 2,141
This is how I found Pudge in her pEiPod this morning. Guess she's on a diet. #justeggwhites #pudgethecat #pudgepod Instagram @pudgethecat 885
Aww yesss, scratches #pudgethecat #awwyessscratches Instagram @pudgethecat 4,840
@trumpyourcat blowing in the wind #hangontoyourtoupee #trumpyourcat #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 2,006
High five, man! It's the weekend. 🏻 #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,494
Extra extra, read all about Pudge in the @startribune! #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 1,228
Casual. #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,777
Happy #InternationalCatDay! #catsoncats #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 4,587
Mmmm, Pudge donut fan art by @hillustration82 #pudgethecat #donutpudge Instagram @pudgethecat 3,316
Pudge ponders #pudgethecat #philosopherpudge Instagram @pudgethecat 2,052
Just a casual 5 minute brushing from Pudge makes for a lot of fluff @trumpyourcat #trumpyourcat #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 2,295
yassss, cuddles #catnouveau #pudgethecat #cuddletrap #luckypudge Instagram @pudgethecat 1,435
*whispers* yes. #areyouhungry #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,472
max relax #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,530
DUH. #areyouhungry #bishpls #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 4,417
Hungry rubs #pudgethecat #lookatmybutt Instagram @pudgethecat 2,029
#pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 3,452
YES. ALWAYS. #areyouhungry #pudgethecat #snapchatsfrompudge Instagram @pudgethecat 3,320
#tongueouttuesday, duh. #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 4,438
Only the couch understands my feelings on a Monday #loveucouch #pudgethecat Instagram @pudgethecat 5,715