What im after cant be purchased ☆ #priceless #bobmarley Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Life is never boring. Seriously, just look around #serendipity #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Sometimes you need to get lost, in order to discover anything #lostininari #offexploring #endlessmountain #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Go in the direction of where your peace is coming from Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

And im lost behind The words ill never find And im left behind As the seasons roll on by Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Jacket which kept me warm when i was too cold to function, later given to an old homeless man. He makes much better use of it! @stuey_doo #servesitspurpose #wearsiteveryday #happinessfromgiving Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

My deer Nara, in Nara land #sweetestdeerever Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Deer harassment #wilddeer #tameddeer #deerattack #deerfeeding Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Funky robot cafe, amid the urbs of shinjuku #randomfind #lostintranslation Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Life has its rhythm and we have ours, designed to coexist in harmony Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

In love with japan. The air, scenery, culture, temples, food, and people. All so mind-blowingly beautiful #autumnleaves Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

I feel my lungs inflating with the onrush of scenery #happyme #autumnleaves #mysimplejoys #colorsofnature Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Something about this stone garden, like silence, absorbs my mind. I could sit here and gaze in contemplation at it for days. It's only through form that we realize emptiness. #zen #mysticalaesthetics #realmofthemultitudes #simplicity #emptiness #abstractart #lonelyindividuality #stonegarden #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

I am happy because i am conquering myself and not the world. I am happy because i am learning to love the world and not myself #wayoflife #happinessisinyou #lifestylechoices #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

I thank all the free spirits, out-of-the-box thinkers and non-conformists. You make this world a fun place to live #believeinmagic #magical #nonconformist #freespirit Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

When i shout it gets part of the cold from the inside out #shoutitout #releasethecoldinme #freezingmyassoff #cantmovewontmove #mountfuji Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

I can speak to my soul only when the two of us are off exploring deserts or cities or mountains or roads #innerpeace #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Waking up to #mountfuji #tokyobanana #hotcoffee #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

In the depth of winter, there lay within me an invincible summer #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0