Between moods ♡ #paddlepop #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Benediction in my mind, benediction in my heart and soul ♡ #sunfunday #beachbum #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

If a man takes off his sunglasses, i can hear him better ;) #beachbum #mysimplejoys #notestomyself Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

While I am worrying about what you think of me I am not open to you, I am not letting you in; in fact, I am not letting you exist as a person - I am making you my mirror. While I am concerned with what you are thinking about me I am not even thinking about you. I choose to use my own mind. I do not need your mind. I want to experience you, listen to you - not to myself. I have already heard everything I have to say. You are what is novel about this conversation. ♡ #notestomyself #backatsea Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

The mirror trait: A part of me I wish I had more control over. You cant ever really see who I am, any more than you can see what a mirror by itself looks like, because it reflects whoever's around. #mirroreffect Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Hi, I'm Autumn #autumnalface #lofficielthailand Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Two at a time because i can NEVER get enough! ♡ #childhoodtreats #paddlepop #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

If i had only... Forgotten future greatness And looked at the green things & the buildings And reached out to those around me And smelled the air And ignored the forms & the self-styled obligations And heard the rain on the roof And put my arms around my loved ones ... and it is not too late ♡ #notestomyself #hughprather Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Earworm in between moods ♡ #cherub #dope #ignoranceisbliss #embraceit Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Homemade happiness ♡ #tiramisu #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Theres more to life than increasing its speed ♡ #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

No one is wrong. At most someone is uninformed. If I think a man is wrong, either I am unaware of something, or he is. So unless I want to play a superiority game, I had best find out what he is looking at. "You're wrong" means "I dont understand you" - I'm not seeing what you're seeing. But there is nothing wrong with you, you are simply not me and thats not wrong. #favoritebook #notestomyself #hughprather #insightfulreminders Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Catching up on vitamin D & natural hair bleaching ☆ #itsbeenawhile #perksofsunshine #sunkissed #honeyskin #lighterhair #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Straight up #emancipationofsiri #collectionofthoughts Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Haribo & the sea ♡ #mysimplejoys #haribopeaches Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Happy thai kiddy's day! ♡ Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Be comfortable in your own skin. We all have perfect imperfections, and thats okay! @kissskincare @roroko Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Bedtime indulgences ♡ #strawberrycrepecake #soymilk #gonewiththewindmovie #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Caving ♡ #fangs #vampireme #mysimplejoys Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0

Mindless munching ☆ Instagram ดารา @siri_luther 0