loving these two new pairs of converse collaborations! converse x nigel cabourn converse x jack purcell thank you @streething! #converse #nigelcabournxconverse #jackpurcellconverse Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,509

bestowing you guys with the legendary lucky fortune cat, aka 招财猫. happy chinese new year, here's wishing all of you HUAT ah! Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,930

always feels good after @mrlow work his magic on my hair. am now ready for Chinese New Year! Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,866

morning. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,513

may you find the love you want, Happy Valentine's Day. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,238

your screams is like a beautiful melody to me. @lawrencewongth Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,442

it's been a long and grueling day on the set of Zero Calling season 2. reprising the role of Ben gives me such thrill and i really love this character. can't wait for you guys to see it. #zerocalling2 #zerocallingch5 #mediacorpch5 Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 1,276

how's my thai? @rabsabmyboss @true4utv @sara_hohler @malicoates #yessirmyboss #true4u Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 687

Look what Coca-Cola just sent me! Their 8 limited edition Chinese New Year auspicious cans! Grab your own auspicious Coca-Cola can designs available now at your nearest store! I wanna share in particular this 3 cans with you guys: 顺, 喜, 安 for a smooth, happy and peaceful year. In addition, Coca-Cola has created a Happiness Greeting Machine located at 20 hyper/supermarkets across Singapore, which allows you to digitally share good fortune and prosperity with your loved ones. For more details on the Happiness Greeting Machine and to view store locations, visit www.coca-cola.com.sg. @cocacolasg #cocacolasg #sharehappiness Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,882

you guys are awesome! jing jing khob khun krub. rak tee sud! @lawrencewongth ️ Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 3,254

press event ended! thank you to all thai media and please catch "Yes Sir, My Boss" on 20th feb, 8:15pm at True4U. if you are not in thailand, you can watch it online at http://www.true4u.com. #yessirmyboss #true4u Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,813

will be making an appearance later at bangkok's Siam Discovery Centre at 4pm for my new thai drama "Yes Sir, My Boss" press event. see you there! #yessirmyboss #true4u Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,581

哪怕你周围的世界再复杂,也要保护好内心的善良和温暖。 even if it's a complicated world, protect your inner kindness and warmth. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,778

a good pair of shoes brings you great distances. thank you so so much ms angel! #louisvuitton Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 4,046

my first thai magazine feature, feb'15 @cleothailand! #LWmagazineshoots #LWmediacoverage Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,610

thank you for supporting "小宝" in 《118》! big thanks to @chenhanwei1969 for sending this to me and making my day. #小宝 #张家宝 #118sg Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 2,276

i've been a fighter, my whole life. and i'll fight on. Instagram ดารา @ohohlawrence 4,428