Vegan life is da bomb ! I ️ cookin! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 80,305

Thank you so much @ianjamesdaniel @ellenpage for #gaycation and showing people all over the world OTHER people all over the world and how different cultures accept or neglect the lgbtq community ..... @happyhippiefdn I am blown away @viceland incredible series!!!! Brazil got me!!!!!! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 30,233

#gaycation got me like....... @viceland @happyhippiefdn @ellenpage (this is post a scene where a young Japanese man comes out to his mother..... My heart breaks but is melded back together with hope and optimism for family acceptance) Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 94,348

Congrats to my girl @ellenpage ️ @viceland Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 53,211

What people think vegans eat VS what we really eat! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 78,209

When you pet Kris Jenner Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 87,903

️love animals don't wear them ️ - Eve (yes Im quoting Life Size) @tyrabanks #lovinganimalsisthebiggesttrend #PFW #pigfashionweek #takeastandagainstfur #please feat. @bellahadid & of course Pig Pig Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 29,931

lazzzzz year n NY w @toddpendu 🦄 #wearglitternotanimals #fuckfur #fuckanimaltesting #loveanimalsdonthurtthem #please Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 46,185

John McGraws actions speak louder than any of the words I've posted about Trumps campaign! This is ridiculously embarrassing for America and makes me ashamed to even be the same species as this human. Rakeem Jones I would like to personally apologize for HIS un-American actions! Much love to you and your family from me and mine! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 23,329

My parents are the fucking cutest Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 38,828

Why wear fur when you can wear rainbows?! #thankgodfashionweekisover thank you to those designers who chose to allow all the beautiful people to wear their own skin and not someone else's ️️️️️️ so much fucking love to you Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 75,305

Thank you @seashepherd for all that you do ️️️️️️ Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 61,353

Regram @snoopdogg #mileyjane Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 32,346

ART by @britneyspears Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 35,488

Face time w Floyd Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 26,782

Hi Floyd! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 77,951

Regram @keepitbright Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 65,892