One time I had a HUGE pimple on my chin so I glued a bunch of cute shit (flowers , butterflies , glitter, pom poms) to a bandaid and covered dat shit upppp like a mothafucka! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 81,553

that time I toured with Elvis & his dead petz!!!!!! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 85,601

Harlem baby ️ Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 113,860

Yasssss hunty Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 80,220

Ha this is wayyyyyy to true! 6 dogs , 4 cats , 2 horsies , and a pig later! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 24,145

I apologize for the gruesomely brutal photo but the truth has to be told!!!!! #furisntART #artstemsfromlove #furismean #leavethefurontheanimalsitbelongsto #theywillalwaysbecuterthanyou #youdontdeservetheirskin #sorrynotsorry Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 21,603

Not to mention you're wearing parasites 😬 #harminganimalsaintcute Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 22,612

Never trust atoms... They make up everythang ️ #eyesocketz Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 65,692

Fuuuuuck Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 47,285

Where do I find this ring ?!?! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 55,630

Can't wait to hug my very own @har0w Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 46,173

OOTD @brielarson #fakefurizfab 🦄 Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 65,614

kickin it with barbs #crafternoon #acraftfriendisabestfriend #afrindwithbeadsisafriendindeed Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 99,609

Final postures #final3 #closing #chant #ashtanga Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 92,434

Lol this one funny Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 5,848

Little baby cow that I love .... I'm sorry ️ Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 17,632