What would the world be like if we stopped judging and started accepting? #happyhippies #ILOVEBRUCEJENNER Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 123,115

E on my T. E on my T. E on my T. #sogetlikeme Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 19,472

If yiew evaaaa wanna see sum kiewt AF watch a eat Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 42,354

I wake up to so much L️️VE erday. #datswhydahaterssoheavy #jellyofalldaloveigotinmylife (I know I've been given/blessed more than I could've ever asked for or deserved ....But the most valuable thing in my life.... Is all this LOVE.... That's why I gotta share! Love on someone today and watch how good it feels to be loved in return... HELP someone today! I promise YOU will get something in return. You will be full of purpose! Isn't that what we're all looking for?! They say life is short but I say LIFE IS LOOOONG! We're all here so we might as well make ourselves useful! 🌞️ Love & Be loved! All this other shit don't last forever but LOVE NEVER DIES.... if love was gone when bodies left us we'd probably never love at all.... It would hurt just way to much! Love is all that is promised forever and ever!) (ps if you have any animals don't forget to tell them you love them today! Give em a big hug. Let them kiss you in the mouth. I mean come on how many people bite their nails when under there is fucking sicker than a port-o-pot) #lovethyself #lovethyhumans #lovethyplants #lovethyearth #lovethyanimals #LOVELOVELOVE 🐓🐄🐇 (pps sowwwwwy FO da fuckin preachin Pablow just got me thinking a lot about life and love #RIPPablow (ppps tell Floyd I love and miss him so much) Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 126,786

brushing sweet bb Pig af sunset on a stack of beanie ca$h in my fav sparkly bootzzzz..... Even when our hearts are broken into a bijillion lil pieces our animals are glue.... += #lifegoeson #iwillalwaysmissyoupablow Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 59,696

@mikewillmadeit Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 51,683

Deez r a few of Muah favowittttt thingzzz Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 24,012

I hate goodbyes Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 18,958

Missin this dude ....... Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 40,305

I'm only in disssss fooooo da fweeee @patrickschwarzenegger Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 74,836

#happyhippie #achangeisgonnacome #OHYESITWILL @happyhippiefdn 😎 Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 119,884

Deeeez happy hippies are up to nooooo good (aka ALOT of good) @happyhippiefdn Project on its way Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 114,178

This is what I like to see! #happyhippie editzzzz @happyhippiefdn Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 32,486

#happyhippiefoundation doin sooooome mooooore bad a$$ to change the world we're living in! Eradicating pointless judgment is at da veryyyyyyy top of my list! #ALLlivesmatter I can barely hold it in what this happy hippie is up toooooo!!!!!!! This shit gets me sooooo hypppppped! We aren't free till we give everyone their own freedom! Don't get stuck in your head and your own right & wrong! LOVE LOVE & MORE LOVE is what we are desperate for! Fuckkkkkyasssssshapppppyhippppie! Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 196,802

Fuck yo Monday Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 96,663

BB MC werkkkkin dat @moschino @lindaevangelista Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus 46,297