@mileycyrus : #happyhippiefoundation doin sooooome mooooore bad a$$ to change the world we're living in! Eradicating pointless judgment is at da veryyyyyyy top of my list! #ALLlivesmatter I can barely hold it in what this happy hippie is up toooooo!!!!!!! This shit gets me sooooo hypppppped! We aren't free till we give everyone their own freedom! Don't get stuck in your head and your own right & wrong! LOVE LOVE & MORE LOVE is what we are desperate for! Fuckkkkkyasssssshapppppyhippppie!
โพสต์เมื่อ 4 ก.พ. 2558 | 00:40 น.
Instagram ดารา @mileycyrus Miley Cyrus if yiew get tired of da fweakyness go 2 @happyhippiefdn CHANGES lives of homeless/LGBT youth! GET MY FREE ALBUM!