Enjoying my ice americano in the sun ️ 커피 하잔의 여유~ 날씨 완전 좋다 今日の天気がいいね! #Sunday #afternoon #sunbathing #iceamericano #일요일 #아이스아메리카노 Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 6,158

#sibling #selca #woofamily #weekend #pout #aegyo #sexylips #filter Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 7,257

#avengers #ageofultron #fridaynight #movienight #excited #caramelpopcorn Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 7,072

한국 도착!!!!! 다녀왔어용 아직도 조금 쌀쌀하네~ #back #home #seoul #korea #idontknowwhatelsetohashtag #so #goodbye #for #now #hehe Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 1,775

Bye Pinoy KISSme<3 See you next time!! Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 5,266

Yummmm...seafood!! #nomnom #seafood #lobster #crab # #shrimp #calamari #philippines #manila Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 1,644

Salamat po Philippines!! Thank you for an awesome night! So much energy :) Hopefully we can come back for a full concert next time! Mahal ko kayo #kissme #kispinoy fighting!!! Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 7,172

Waiting for the press conference for #kispinoy #ukiss #kevin #soohyun #jun #philippines #manila Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 4,970

Enjoying #halohalo in the Philippines :) So refreshing in the hot weather^^ Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 5,870

벛꽃 엔딩ㅠㅠ #byebyecherryblossom Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 2,587

잊지 않겠습니다. My prayer goes out to everyone who was affected by the Sewol tragedy 1 year ago from today. #neverforget #sewol Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 1,823

w/ KISSme in Japan!!! Thanks for helping us reach No.1 on the Oricon chart! #ukiss #action #kissme #japan Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 0

U-KISSの4枚目のアルバム「ACTION」がいよいよ発売しました!たくさん応援してください! かわいいユーキスどう?(≧∇≦) U-KISS ︎ KISSME FIGHTING! Please support our 4th Japanese album #ACTION 오늘 일본 4번째 정규 앨범 'ACTION'이 발매 되었습니다! 귀엽나요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 많은 응원 부탁드립니다!^^ Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 2,787

Haven't laughed this hard in a while!! Haha ASC w/ @jamiepark and our guest @realericnam will go down in history! Finally got my revenge on Eric after almost a year hehehe #gotcha #ericgotpunked #KERMIN #ASC Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 6,091

HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!! 오늘도 좋은 하루 보내삼!!^^ 꽃샘 추위 잘 견뎌낼수있길~~~ 옷 따뜻하게 입어요! 今日もステキな一日を過ごすように! 日本は寒いですか?韓国はさむ〜っ! Don't miss out on today's ASC at 1PM KST! Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 4,237

#EdSheeran is incredibly talented! It was an amazing concert! Glad I caught him live in Seoul :) 에드시런 공연 정말 잘 봤어요! 진정한 아티스트~ 많이 즐기고 많이 배우기도 했습니다! 짱! #ThinkingOutLoud #에드시런 Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 3,254

Stoked to see Ed Sheeran live in Seoul tonight!!! 에드시런 내한공연!!! 정말 좋아하는 아티스트라서 기대 기대~^^ w/ @btobpeniel @realericnam #edsheeran #liveinseoul Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 2,017

#peace #mickymouse Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 2,230

#Fanboying for #EricNam!!! Omg I'm starstruck<3 hahaha #treasure #imok Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 945

사무실에 왔는데 이거 발견!! 고마워요~~~~^^ #이쁘다 #땡큐 #키스미짱 Instagram ดารา @kevin_woo1125 3,703