โพสต์เมื่อ 21 เม.ย 2558 | 12:15 น.

Kevin U-Kiss (Kevin Woo)
I'm the real Kevin from U-KISS follow me on Twitter @kevinwoo91
ของ เควิน U-Kiss

벛꽃 엔딩ㅠㅠ #byebyecherryblossom; -
잊지 않겠습니다. My prayer goes out to everyone who was affected by the Sewol tragedy 1 year ago from today. #neverforget #sewol; -
w/ KISSme in Japan!!! Thanks for helping us reach No.1 on the Oricon chart! #ukiss #action #kissme #japan; -
U-KISSの4枚目のアルバム「ACTION」がいよいよ発売しました!たくさん応援してください! かわいいユーキスどう?(≧∇≦) U-KISS ︎ KISSME FIGHTING! Please support our 4th Japanese album #ACTION 오늘 일본 4번째 정규 앨범 'ACTION'이 발매 되었습니다! 귀엽나요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 많은 응원 부탁드립니다!^^; -
Haven't laughed this hard in a while!! Haha ASC w/ @jamiepark and our guest @realericnam will go down in history! Finally got my revenge on Eric after almost a year hehehe #gotcha #ericgotpunked #KERMIN #ASC;
HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!! 오늘도 좋은 하루 보내삼!!^^ 꽃샘 추위 잘 견뎌낼수있길~~~ 옷 따뜻하게 입어요! 今日もステキな一日を過ごすように! 日本は寒いですか?韓国はさむ〜っ! Don't miss out on today's ASC at 1PM KST!; -
#EdSheeran is incredibly talented! It was an amazing concert! Glad I caught him live in Seoul :) 에드시런 공연 정말 잘 봤어요! 진정한 아티스트~ 많이 즐기고 많이 배우기도 했습니다! 짱! #ThinkingOutLoud #에드시런; -
Stoked to see Ed Sheeran live in Seoul tonight!!! 에드시런 내한공연!!! 정말 좋아하는 아티스트라서 기대 기대~^^ w/ @btobpeniel @realericnam #edsheeran #liveinseoul; -
#peace #mickymouse; -
#Fanboying for #EricNam!!! Omg I'm starstruck<3 hahaha #treasure #imok;
사무실에 왔는데 이거 발견!! 고마워요~~~~^^ #이쁘다 #땡큐 #키스미짱; -
KISSME!! Can't believe this day has finally arrived! We were all shocked but also very thrilled at the same time when we first heard the news. Thank you for never giving up and ALWAYS being by our side! This award goes out to our fans and everyone who believed in us :) WE LOVE YOU! 정말 감사합니다 키스미~ 드디어 8년만에 1위 하는 날이 왔네요! 항상 곁에서 응원 해주시고 저희를 믿어줘서 감사할뿐입니다~ 앞으로 더 더 더 열심히 하겠습니다! 키스미 사랑해요!! デビューしてから韓国の初めての1位!本当に本当にありがとうございます! 嬉しくて涙を流しました!これからキスミのためにもっと頑張ります!大好き! #UKISS1stWIN #UKISSPLAYGROUND; -
요번 '놀이터' 활동 너무 재밌었구 오늘 팬싸에서 즐거운 시간 보낼수있어서 정말 좋았어요! 다음 활동 까지 기다려주실거죠!? 키스미 사랑해~ 사랑해~︎ We had a great time at today's fan sign meeting! Thanks for always supporting us~ We'll make a comeback very soon! We promise!^^ キスミ本当にありがとうございました!もうすぐまた会いましょう〜^_^; -
ASC w/ the one and only LLAMA AMBER!! @ajol_llama @realericnam LIVE IN 10 mins! Join us now~~ hahaha gonna be a fun show today :); -
Guess who I ran into @ Music Bank today! Yup~~~ llama!! Haha @ajol_llama Congrats on your solo debut Amber!! SHAKE THAT BRASS~~ :) 엠버 솔로 데뷔 축하해!!! 너무 잘한다~ ㅋㅋㅋ 잊으시오~~~^^ 화이팅!!;
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