Bike trainer newby.... #25minbeastsession #drippingsweat #idofeelprettiestwhensweat #ingoodhands Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Play date with @exoticlittlemomo Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Sticky toffee aka sticky date pudding #jellyjan #privatelesson @jelly_jan Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Private lesson with miss @jelly_jan #bakinginprocess #stickytoffeepudding #goldensyruptoffeesauce @madebyjellyjan Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Spicing up my brekkie with @jelly_jan homemade granola #jellyjancupcakes Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

impact arena energy absorbing. #lastnight #ZAZA #righthandconcert #impactarena @pimmada @itsmewaan Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Molecular Gastronomy by @astonbkk One word.... De-lish! Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Especially from people who claims to be my "friends"....... lol Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Welcoming my new baby to my home. #macbookair #apple #inlove Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Stage Model for Grammy Happy Facetival concert. #thaiticketmajor #31stAugust #2013 Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Healthy is the new black #greekyogurt #honey #crushedrawalmonds #blueberries #greensmoothie Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

The little rascal's first birthday. #niece #oneyearold #firstcakeever Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Thank you #vinzenta I had fun at #vinzentagrandopening with @itsmewaan Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Before and after workout.... #ifeelprettiestwhensweat #beastmode #insanitysession #sweatsuit Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Get to it people.... for better health :p Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Part of our school painting team.... great team :) #kaopilai #PhangNga Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Paint the school for the locals #kaopilai #PhangNga Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

First sunset of this trip #bangtaobeach #phuket Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Kids beat me at jenga.... #kaopilai #school #PhangNga Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Finally :) #Aleenta #PhangNga Instagram ดารา @charinas 0