Thank you all 12 thousand people who came out last night.. thank you grammy for an amazing experience. . And thank you to all my fellow artist for an amazing friendship that will last forever. Love you all. #ihadablast #adrenalinerush #addictedtoentertaining #lovemylife Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

One song down.... thank you to our lovely make up and hair artist! #grammyhappyfacetival #tonightisthenight #fuckingawesome #positiveenergy #lovingit #lovemylife @itsmewaan @pimmada Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

YSL forever youth liberator #helpingmelookyoung #forconcert #tomorrownight #bestfacialyoucanget #centralchidlom Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Trying my best to get used to this... #impactarena #12thousandpeople #saturdayisDday Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Sneaked in pamper time before the concert... thank you to samitivej hospital Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Brunch time with wifey #rocket #sathorn where are you @itstransatlantic ??? It took us 40min to get here!!! Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

I need my bed... been going at it for 10 hours already #grammyhappyfacetival #31stAugust #impactarena #dedicatinglifefortheshow Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

This is what I do in between practice time... thanks to @briohny_dice :) Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Getting ready for our concert this saturday #newshoes #highheelsneakers @pimmada @itsmewaan Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Another great night at #appia #idie #lemoncurdcappuccino#aroikode Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Squeezing in boxing before work on a sunday. #beastitout #beastmodeon #getfitorgetout Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Yes we work on a saturday @itsmewaan #weekendsslaves #zaza #concertpractice #gottalovethelegs Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Interviewing #dancepractice #grammyhappyfacetival see u all August 31st at impact arena. Get your tickets sorted #thaiticketmajor @pimmada @itsmewaan @yayaying_yaya Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Love is all around.... my wifey and I @paipie Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Morning quote... have a nice day :) Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Sushi Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Found peace #imakemyselfhappy #bedrockstudio Instagram ดารา @charinas 0

Woody tuen maa kui show. Live on channel 9 #justnow #biketrainersession #lastnight #paidoff #tightlegs #boom @pimmada @itsmewaan Instagram ดารา @charinas 0