여러분~ 기대해주세용^^ 곧 2015.09.14 #flytothesky 새 노래 #hate #brianjoo #hwanhee #브라이언 #환희 #플라이투더스카이 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,657

Always great to see my lil'bruh~ @josef.ceo Always a good time:) Make sure to follow my brother:) #mutatednation #brianjoo #crossfit4tp Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,121

Hard at work, planning for this weeks Grand Opening:) No days off~ 이번 주 @briantrianon '그랜드오픈닝'을 위해 열심히 집중해서 일하는중^^ 쉬는 날은 없어용 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ #brianandtrianon #briantrianon #brianjoo Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,940

V-App 생중계 실시간 오늘 5시 부터 시작합니다^^ starting exactly at 5pm, in 10 mins... We will be online answering your questions on "V-App LIVE" with @ducati0117 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,625

Love the community of @CrossFit and my @reebokkorea & @reebok family all over the globe! Just kickin' at the "2015 Coaches THROWDOWN" With my homie @cwittman & a new friend and amazing CF athlete @juliefoucher #crossfit #reebok #reebok4life #4tpfitness #crossfit4tp Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,548

플라이투더스카이 V앱 오픈했습니다^^ 꼭 구독 부탁드립니다!! #브라이언 #환희 #HwanHee #brianjoo #flytotheskyvapp #v앱 #플라이투더스카이V앱 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,676

Wow! We are the #1 sold concert tickets online at the moment:) I feel so blessed!! Thanks to all of our supporters~ 와우! 저희 콘서트가 드디어 판매 1위 찍었어용^^ 완전 감사해요 여러분!! 사랑해요~ #FlytotheSky #플라이투더스카이 #brianjoo #브라이언 #HwanHee #환희 #FlyHighwithFlytotheSky2015 #FlytotheSkyFLYHIGH2015 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,819

Coming soon~ @briantrianon The Floral Cafe~ Open to the public, this coming Saturday, August 29, 2015! 이제 곧 "브뜨" 오픈합니다^^ 신나신나 ㅋㅋㅋ 08월 29일날 많이들 오세요! #brianandtrianon #brianjoo Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,406

Great 6am workout with this #legit group of people! What an amazing turning~ I love this #community And now @amalleolo is coaching our 7a.m. Class~ love my homies from all over the world:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 728

#Repost @4tpfitness with @repostapp. ・・・ Honored to have had @amalleolo come to our box and do a Coaches Q&A! It was a pretty intimate gathering and very knowledgable~ 오늘 우리 4TP에서 크로스핏개임즈 선수 '오스틴 말레올로'가 특별이 코치들위해 Q&A 시간을 가졌습니다^^ 너무 도움되는시간이였고 늘 감사하면 열심히 응원하겠습니다!! #austinmalleolo #reebok #reebokcrossfit #crossfit #4tpfitness #CrossFit4tp #brianjoo #brianjoomuzik #community #againfaster #ryourogue Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,665

#Repost @classisinternal with @repostapp. ・・・ Hanging out with mister k pop celebrity today Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,822

#Repost @briantrianon with @repostapp.
사랑하는 여러분~
이번주 토요일 브뜨 플로랄카페 서래마을점이 드디어 오픈합니다!
시간 되시는분들 모두 오셔서 함께 해 주세요!! Great news everyone! Finally, the long awaited Floral Cafe,

Couldn't decide what I wanted for dinner, so I just made breakfast for dinner tonight:) Bacon, Turkey, Mushrooms, onions, green onions, and egg scramble with half an avocado~ and of course, gotta wash it all down with my @fijiwaterkr & @killcliff 저녁식사를 뭐 먹을지 고민하다가 그냥 브렉퍼스트를 만들어버렸어요^^ 든든하고 건강한 저녁식사^^ 좋은 밤 되시길~ #brianjoo #killcliff #fijiwater Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 450

Was a pleasure getting to chill, interview, and kick it with this Legend @shaq ... One of the most down to earth people I have gotten to encounter! 어릴때부터 존경했던 농구선수 샤킬오닐이랑 함께 시간보내봤는데 정말 친절하고 재미있는분~ #reebok #reebokkorea #reebokclassic #brianjoo #shaq #DJdiesel #Shaqdiesel #reebokambassador #reebok4life Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,640

Just a candid shot of us, up against the photowall:) Glad I got to kick it with @SHAQ & my @reebok family~ #reebok #reebokkorea #reebokclassic #brianjoo Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,237

For the fans, who've been asking me to style my hair down~ There ya go~ I personally like it up, but gotta do it for the love of the fans, once in a while:) 오랜만네 팬분들이 원하는 내리는 머리해봤습니다^^ 개인적으로는 난 너무 불편한 스타일이지만~ 가끔은 사랑해주는 Fan분들위해선 해주는 센스 ㅋㅋ ㅎㅎ #menshair #mensstyle #korea #브라이언 #brianjoo #brianjoomuzik #Reebok #briantrianon #FlytotheSky Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,630

#Repost @jtravir with @repostapp.
RCS광복 오픈 이벤트 샼 인 더 하우스
️ 8/20 Reebok Busan Grand Open
️ 8/21 SHAQ In The House
특별MC : 브라이언(플라이투더스카이)
미니 토크쇼 : 서장훈(전 농구 선수)
피트니스 챌린지 : 신수지(전 리듬체조 선수, 프로볼러)
샤크의 디제잉 & 랩
*RCS Kwang-Bok Open Event*

What a LOOOONG day~ still in the studio recording:( Been here since 3:30 pm and now it's 12:14 am~ and still not finished... tired! 정말 긴하루 아직도 녹음실이에용 #flytothesky #플라이투더스카이 #brianjoomuzik #hwanhee #reebok Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,288

On the set of ArirangTV's 'Bring It On'~. I love working with this crew, every week:). 아리랑TV의 '브링잇온' 촬영 현장에서~ 매주 이 친구들이랑 촬영하는게 너무 즐거워용^^ #아리랑TV #BrianJoo #brianjoomuzik #byouent #bringiton #korea Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,279

Studio time~ Man, singing ain't easy;( lol~ good times though! #flytothesky #BrianJoo #hwanhee 녹음실 시간! 노래힘들다 ㅠ ㅠ #플라이투더스카이 #브라이언 #환희 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,320