On the way to the airport to head to Tokyo, Japan! 일본 팬들 곧 뵈용^^ #flytothesky #brianjoo #hwanhee #플라이투더스카이 #환희 #브라이언 #fromseoultotokyo Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,244

Had an amazing lunch at ELIXIR Pub & Dining in Itaewon~ Y'all are missing out:) 여기 이태원에 새로 오픈한 펍라운지 'ELIXIR' 시간 되시면 꼭 오세용^^ #brianjoo #elixirpubanddining #itaewoneats #itaewonpub Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,852

대기실 상황~ 우린 피곤하니 이러고 있답니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 여긴 상암동 MBC! Just kickin' it in the dressing room with @meeheexp @meeeejoooo and we all cray cause we tired! #lifeiswhatyoumakeit #flytothesky #mbcshowmusiccore #taylorswift #dubsmash Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 3,051

Getting ready for soundcheck at 8am here at MBC for tonight's MUSIC CORE comeback performance:) Pretty tired but, gotta do what I gotta do~ 피곤하지만~ 우리 나라 가수들 늘 아침부터 고생합니다~ 모두다 화이팅^^ #mbcshowmusiccore #flytothesky #brianjoo #brianjoomuzik #hwanhee #fttsloveandhate #플라이투더스카이 #환희 #브라이언 #ftts #fttsofficial #fttscomeback #lifeisgood #lifeisbeautiful #lifeiswhatyoumakeit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,752

Getting ready for soundcheck at 8am here at MBC for tonight's MUSIC CORE comeback performance:) Pretty tired but, gotta do what I gotta do~ 피곤하지만~ 우리 나라 가수들 늘 아침부터 고생합니다~ 모두다 화이팅^^ #mbcshowmusiccore #flytothesky #brianjoo #brianjoomuzik #hwanhee #fttsloveandhate #플라이투더스카이 #환희 #브라이언 #ftts #fttsofficial #fttscomeback #lifeisgood #lifeisbeautiful #lifeiswhatyoumakeit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,752

So stoked to have my buddy @knahan come visit me in Seoul:) He came to Korea to show support for my new album release! I have the best friends in the world~ #loveandhate #brianjoo #4tpfitness Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,530

우리 팬 분들 완전 감동받았어요^^ 다들 사랑합니다~ @ducati0117 랑 저랑 늘 감사한 마음으로 열심히 하겠습니다! Thanks to all the fans for this awesome cake and flowers, for our comeback on KBS! #flytothesky #brianjoo #hwanhee #플라이투더스카이 #브라이언 #환희 #kbsmusicbank Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,582

드디어! 저희 새로 오픈한 @briantrianon 서래마을점에서 "원데이클래스"를 시작합니다. 지금 바로 신청해주세요!! ️070-7808-3366 날짜: 2015.09.24 (목요일) 시간: 오후 7시부터 9시까지~ 주소: 서울시 서초구 서래로5길 86 (반포동 110-12) 작품: Autumn Wreath (가을 리스) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,862

Please follow OUR newest INSTAGRAM @btfloralcafe !! And hope you all can come on by and enjoy a refreshing beverage and take home a beautiful bouquet of flowers:) 저희 새 인스타 팔로우 해주세용^^ @btfloralcafe 그리고 꼭 오셔서 시원한 음료나 따듯한 차한잔하시고 아름다운 꽃까지 보고가세용~ 물론 꽃 구입은 기본? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ "브뜨"에서 뵈용!! #brianjoo #briantrianon #brianandtrianon #btfc #btfloralcafe Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,607

여러분~ 저희 첫 미니 앨범

Always praying #nineelevenmemorial Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,522

#Repost @ceeceeleeaaa with @repostapp. ・・・ We were inspired. #CirqueDuSoleil #Quidam #퀴담 #brianjoo #cocolounge #donttakelifetooseriously #cousins #familyday Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 813

#Repost @julienkang with @repostapp. ・・・ That #BrianJoo diva star power is real. You literally throw on a pair of shades the second your butt hits the chair. Lol Check out #4tpfitness in Seoul. #4tp Sick setup~ thanks @julienkang for stopping by homie~ Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,553

Chancellor X Bumkey (챈슬러 X 범키)- 손이 가 (Son E Ga) 많이 사랑해주세요!! Get the new single from my little homie~ Just came out!! #챈슬러 #범키 #chancellor #bumkey #sonega #손 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 854

So honored to have these athletes at my box @4tpfitness : This happens this Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 at 5p.m. till 7p.m. 이 멎진 선수들 우리 박스 온다고하니 너무 기쁘당^^ #ufc #brianjoo #reebok #4tpfitness #crossfit4tp Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,079

#Repost @briantrianon with @repostapp. ・・・ 브사장님은 현재 브뜨에서 작업중~ @jameshobart T-Shirt and my @reebok cap:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 768

From last night's Grand Opening of @briantrianon ! Thanks to all who came out to show support:) it was an amazing night! 어제 밤 우리 '브뜨' 그랜드오픈닝에서~ 모두에게 진심으로 감사합니다^^ 너무 즐거웠어용! #brianjoo #briantrianon #brianandtrianon #seoraevillage #mutatednation Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 266

This is literally, JUST FOR LAUGHS! Lol:). my cousin @meeeejoooo and I, were inspired by KEY & PEELE's MEEGAN skit... Hahaha... So, if you don't know it, for watch them on YouTube:). thanks! #brianjoo #justforlaughs #keyandpeele #meegan Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 1,471

"You, you think I'm cute... Yes or no?" First time making a dubsmash video~ DON'T hate... Just felt goofy today:) #플라이투더스카이 #환희 #브라이언 #hwanhee #brianjoo Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,920

여러분~ 기대해주세용^^ 곧 2015.09.14 #flytothesky 새 노래 #hate #brianjoo #hwanhee #브라이언 #환희 #플라이투더스카이 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 2,657