First night out with Chris, Erika, and my cousin Mindy... While I was in Jersey... Man! Wish I was back there still... Had soooo much fun Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Slow 9am class at RCF Sentinel... So Matt is getting a 1 on 1 session with our truly, Brooks... Lol ... #bromance Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Lol... Just finished shooting for M.net America, and my stylist was so tired, that she knocked out as soon as we got in the car... Hahaha Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Visiting my gramps & my little cousin Justin's grave to say a little prayer:) Miss them both a lot... Please watch over me and the rest of the fam. from above! Keep us all safe ad R.I.P. Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Great WOD'ing with the boys at OWS CrossFit! With Jack Corcoran, Paul Smith, and a new CrossFit buddy:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Enjoying the beach on this beautiful day:) Happy Fourth everyone! Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

A few meetings in the BIG apple and then got to WOD @ CrossFit Virtuosity in Brooklyn... Love #crossfit Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

A good old family reunion BBQ^^ good company and great eats:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

So I get home from doing a CrossFit WOD to find my mom doing her daily routine... Stalking my Facebook timeline:) Haha... Guess our mothers' are our biggest fans... Lol Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Great food, great company, GREAT times~ This is why I love CrossFit:) with Kevin, @amalleolo, Jonny, C.Waldeck, myself and Coach Dreamboat... Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Loving my new Reebok CrossFit Nano 3.0's and the Nano Speeds~ my next two favorite training sneaks! 새로나온 리복크로스핏나노 3.0 그리고 나노스피드 너무 좋다~ 이제 앞으로 이걸싢고 운동해야지 ㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

At the ALL NEW Richard Copycat's All-American Diner in Itaewon... Feels sorta like Vegas, but only outdoors:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Just chilling with some random rabbit on the streets of Garosu~ 가로수길에서 우리 친구 토끼와함께^^ Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

On set for "Ruby Slipper" 지금 <루비슬리퍼> 촬영 준비중^^ 내일 '크로스핏' 개임스 아시아 리즈널 경기위해서 머리도 화려하게 우리 팀 컬러로 ㅋㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Enjoying some sweets on the last night of the all-star CrossFit crew in Korea~ Hahaha 우리 크로스핏 세미나 코치님들에 마지막날... 맛난 디저트 즐기는중 Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

A little under 30 mins before our musical starts for the night:) Wish us luck guys... both Narsha & I are feeling a bit under the weather:( Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Our team roster is posted online :) Wow~ this is really happening! 우리 크로스핏팀 소개합니다~ 5월 31일부터 6월2일까지하니까~ 많은 분들 꼭와서 응원해주세용^^ 꼭~ ㅋㅋ Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Enjoying some amazing lamb meat plates, after a long seminar and some fun CF WOD's... Good times:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

After day 1 of the Level One Cert. Seminar~ learned A LOT and made new friends:) with Keith Wittenstein & James Hobart Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0

Filming at LUSSO LAB in ChungDahm~ for our show "Ruby Slipper" pretty legit coffee here:) Instagram ดารา @brianjoomuzik 0