โพสต์เมื่อ 7 พ.ค. 2558 | 20:58 น.

Lawrence Wong
a cat's life. men's folio ambassador. twitter/snapchat: ohohlawrence facebook: lawrencewongofficialpage
ของ รอเลนซ์ วอง

这一生中,总有一方土地让你翘首眺望,总有一处风景让你魂牵梦萦。愿那处风景是我。 run away with me. #星月传奇 #starsandcrescentmoon; -
don't forget to catch Ben in #zerocalling2 tonight 9.30pm on @mediacorpch5! #zerocallingch5; -
忘不掉的是回忆,继续的是生活,错过的,就当是路过。 memories is what kills you, and forces you to live on at the same time. #tokyo #LWtraveldiary; -
也许某一天,你我擦肩而过,我会停下脚步,告诉自己,那个人我曾经深爱过。 maybe one day when we come across each other again, I'll halt and tell myself, I once loved that person deeply.; -
repost from @mr.yiuyiu. thanks for the unicorn. #LWfanart;
ESQUIRE April 2015. #LWmagazineshoots #LWmediacoverage; -
just had my much needed massage at Huang Ah Mah - The Oriental Spa Chamber. they open till 3am! wheee!; -
to my Thai fans, which Thai phrase would you prefer Ron to say in @rabsabmyboss? head to 🏻 http://true4ucampaign.com/myboss/ and vote! #true4u #yessirmyboss; -
别低头,王冠会掉,别哭泣,坏人会笑,别抽啼,爸妈会疼。好好的过你的生活,哪有时间患得患失,哪有时间猜东猜西,哪有时间揣摩别人,你若盛开,蝴蝶自来,你若精彩,天自安排 。 don't bow down, your crown will drop. don't cry, your parents will be heartbroken. lead your life good, there's no time to dwell over your losses, no time to second guess yourself, no time trying to fathom others. if you bloom, the butterflies will come, if you are well, the universe will align.; -
so, I got snapchatted while I was napping between scenes during filming. add me on snapchat! @ohohlawrence;
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