@ohohlawrence : 别低头,王冠会掉,别哭泣,坏人会笑,别抽啼,爸妈会疼。好好的过你的生活,哪有时间患得患失,哪有时间猜东猜西,哪有时间揣摩别人,你若盛开,蝴蝶自来,你若精彩,天自安排 。
don't bow down, your crown will drop. don't cry, your parents will be heartbroken. lead your life good, there's no time to dwell over your losses, no time to second guess yourself, no time trying to fathom others. if you bloom, the butterflies will come, if you are well, the universe will align.
โพสต์เมื่อ 24 เม.ย 2558 | 09:42 น.