โพสต์เมื่อ 4 พ.ค. 2558 | 10:12 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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I'm a very lucky SOB to have such awesome family, friends and you - my extended family. Thank y'all so much for all the incredible birthday love you sent my way. #WeFamily #EvenTheInappropriateChicks #MyPickUpNeedsDarkerTint #SheGotABigSmileOuttaMeTho #HappyBirthdayToMe; -
Got a fondness for this artist. Not because she worked over 120hrs painting this handsome SOB.. But because she inspires so many people with her amazing talent -- and her willingness to put in the daily hard work to achieve her dreams. And she's always smilin';). Thank you so much for this Danielle, keep up the inspired work and look forward to meeting ya one day - DJ. (Dope job w/ my ink;) #Repost @daniellesartworkofficial ・・・ First and foremost I want to express what an absolute honour it was to have my work recognised and THANKED by @therock himself. After approximately 120 hours of work on this painting there was nothing more rewarding than being acknowledged by one of the worlds most genuine and inspirational of men. Though minor in comparison to the depths of Dwayne’s positive influencing, it gives me great satisfaction to know that I do inspire and motivate people to pursue what they love. I get to do what I love EVERY single day, but this privilege has not come about without hard work, determination, love and passion. ALWAYS follow your dreams. @therock, in hope that you see this, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU dearly for taking the time to acknowledge my work, no words can explain how much I appreciate it. #therock #daniellesartworks #painting #acrylic #melbourneartist #art #dwaynejohnson P.s. I'm sorry I forged your signature ; -
A few of the main themes in our movie #CentralIntelligence is anti-bullying and always being yourself. One of the reasons this character is so much fun to play. #DanceRehearsals #HelloMyNameIsBob #IveBeenKnownToBeatUpBullies #AndMoveMyBodyInExplicitWays; -
On #DraftDay it all comes down to family and finances.. and for my @NFL clients - I'll always take care of both. #BALLERS #HBO JUNE 21st; -
Let's roll fam... #WeCould100PercentPassAsTwins #CentralIntelligence #Repost @kevinhart4real ・・・ The world should be very afraid of this combination......Me & @therock have started production on our new movie "Central Intelligence"....The movies just keep getting bigger & better people!!!! #CentralIntelligence #iStoodOnTheTruckToMakeMyselfLookJustAsTuffAsTheRock #ActionComedyWithAllOfTheBellsAndWhistles #WeBothShowedUpReady #TwoOfTheHardestWorkersInHollywood;
Establishing dominance w/ the beast.. #Troubadour #BoogesPup #TheyAllCallMeBigDaddy; -
Be the hardest and smartest worker in the room. #AndHaveBigBalls #TrioForSuccess #AbsurdWorkoutFaceIsOptional; -
Me and brotha @kevinhart4real have been puttin' in work 24/7 to create an action comedy duo unlike anything you've ever seen before in movies. We're fired up to make this movie for y'all and bring ya something very entertaining, dope and global. Ladies and gentlemen I give to you the often imitated, but never duplicated. The one.. the only.. "The Golden Jet". And me.. I'm just Bob. #AndIDontLikeBullies #CentralIntelligence #GetReadyWorld #NowGetDownDammitBeforeYouFallOnMe SUMMER 2016.; -
Two cool (and hot) chicks and some random dude... My lovely #SanAndreas co-star @carlagugino and our extremely unattractive Vegas partner in crime, and #MadMax star Charlize Theron. Love 'em both. Great examples of strong, smart women on and off screen.; -
She thinks my boy and #CentralIntelligence director @rawsonthurber is barely 21 and literally cards him when he orders some beers.. little does she know the sumbitch is 67. #HeExfoliates #OnSomeBenjaminButtonShit #CelticsVsCavs #LastTimeIWasCardedIWas10;
Thank you, sir. #MyHonor #BostonStrong; -
Happy Birthday ohana! We understand the power of sugar.. #DominateTheCookies #SoundsLikeMyChatRoomName #HappyBirthdayAndEnjoy #Repost @daverienzi ・・・ Awesome cookie basket from @therock & @laurenhashienofficial for my bday!!! Thank you guys for the 50,0000 calorie love!!!🏼 #PostWorkoutCarbs #OffSeasonDietPerks #RienziStrength; -
Just take good care of my pick up truck.. #Cardio #KeepinItDirty #Boston #SweetBabyJesus #LetsRoll; -
Solid week of $7bucks Prods TV business. Very happy with the slow and steady growth of our young production company. Thanks to NBC, ABC and our partners at SPIKE & USA Network. Lets entertain the globe.. #WheelsUp #JukeboxInTheSky #BostonHereWeCome; -
In #CentralIntelligence my character was unmercifully bullied by the punks in high school because he was "different". Today he's a CIA contract killer who's still very much "different". And no one bullies him anymore... no one. Been waitin' for years to play this crazy character. Shootin' starts in a few weeks. This'll be fun.. #IKeepLoveInMyHeart #AndABootInTheirAss #AlwaysBeYourself #CentralIntelligence #BOSTON;
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