โพสต์เมื่อ 4 มี.ค. 2558 | 08:59 น.

Lawrence Wong
a cat's life. men's folio ambassador. twitter/snapchat: ohohlawrence facebook: lawrencewongofficialpage
ของ รอเลนซ์ วอง

@eskybaby when he was a kitten. it's been nearly a year since he passed away but I still miss him so so so so much. ; -
有时候,我们就像鱼缸里的鱼,想说的很多,一开口就化成了一串省略号,最后都默默的留在了心里。 sometimes we're like the fishes in the tank; a lot to express but once we open our mouths, they become bubbles and dissipates away, our words remaining buried deep within our hearts forever.; -
who wants my sweaty towel over their head? @rabsabmyboss #yessirmyboss #true4u; -
thank you to a very talented friend.; -
repost from @lawrencewongth. my thailand instagrammers, did you catch the 2nd episode of my thai sitcom, "Yes Sir, My Boss!" just now? if you are not in thailand, you can watch it online at http://true4u.truelife.com/live OR True4U youtube OR download the True4U app. #yessirmyboss #true4u;
walking my pet sharks.; -
when I grow up, I wanna be happy and carefree like the fishes.; -
thank you for my very own lawrence pancake. ; -
️ while waiting for next scene. #118sg #张家宝 #小宝; -
repost from @theloyalistclub. don't forget to continue watching "118" at 7:30pm on Singapore's channel 8! 小宝,真的蛮可怜的。用情深,可是没得回报。一次又一次的失望。 #118sg #张家宝 #小宝;
feb'15 magazine features. #cittabella #femalemagazine #newtide #LWmediacoverage #LWmagazineshoots; -
避免失望的最好办法,就是不寄希望于任何人、任何事。 the best way to avoid disappointments is to manage your expectations in people and things. #zerocalling2 #zerocallingch5 #mediacorpch5; -
不怨恨,不拿自己和别人比较,再小都没关系,不生气,不能对别人生气,现在我的生活,全都是我自己的责任。 don't hate, don't compare no matter how small, don't be angry, you are responsible for your own life. wearing and loving my new Levi's 2015 Chinese New Year Edition jeans. #LevisCNYCollection #LiveItUpMY #LiveInLevisMY #501CT #活出趣; -
good moments. bad moments. we remember.; -
report from @lawrencewongth. catch the first episode of my thai drama @rabsabmyboss tonight at 8:45pm BKK time on @true4utv! if you are not in thailand, you can watch it online at http://www.true4u.com or True4U youtube. #yessirmyboss #true4u;
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