โพสต์เมื่อ 25 ก.พ. 2558 | 15:29 น.

Lawrence Wong
a cat's life. men's folio ambassador. twitter/snapchat: ohohlawrence facebook: lawrencewongofficialpage
ของ รอเลนซ์ วอง

️ while waiting for next scene. #118sg #张家宝 #小宝; -
repost from @theloyalistclub. don't forget to continue watching "118" at 7:30pm on Singapore's channel 8! 小宝,真的蛮可怜的。用情深,可是没得回报。一次又一次的失望。 #118sg #张家宝 #小宝; -
feb'15 magazine features. #cittabella #femalemagazine #newtide #LWmediacoverage #LWmagazineshoots; -
避免失望的最好办法,就是不寄希望于任何人、任何事。 the best way to avoid disappointments is to manage your expectations in people and things. #zerocalling2 #zerocallingch5 #mediacorpch5; -
不怨恨,不拿自己和别人比较,再小都没关系,不生气,不能对别人生气,现在我的生活,全都是我自己的责任。 don't hate, don't compare no matter how small, don't be angry, you are responsible for your own life. wearing and loving my new Levi's 2015 Chinese New Year Edition jeans. #LevisCNYCollection #LiveItUpMY #LiveInLevisMY #501CT #活出趣;
good moments. bad moments. we remember.; -
report from @lawrencewongth. catch the first episode of my thai drama @rabsabmyboss tonight at 8:45pm BKK time on @true4utv! if you are not in thailand, you can watch it online at http://www.true4u.com or True4U youtube. #yessirmyboss #true4u; -
🐏💷💶 发大财! tap for sound, like it and you will earn big money in 2015. ; -
loving these two new pairs of converse collaborations! converse x nigel cabourn converse x jack purcell thank you @streething! #converse #nigelcabournxconverse #jackpurcellconverse; -
bestowing you guys with the legendary lucky fortune cat, aka 招财猫. happy chinese new year, here's wishing all of you HUAT ah!;
always feels good after @mrlow work his magic on my hair. am now ready for Chinese New Year!; -
morning. ; -
may you find the love you want, Happy Valentine's Day. ; -
your screams is like a beautiful melody to me. @lawrencewongth; -
it's been a long and grueling day on the set of Zero Calling season 2. reprising the role of Ben gives me such thrill and i really love this character. can't wait for you guys to see it. #zerocalling2 #zerocallingch5 #mediacorpch5;
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