Hwang Ssabu เทรนเนอร์ YG
YG Captain trainer /Jiujiteiro
ของ ฮวางซาบู
มี 2,955 คนชอบรูปนี้
주짓수를 위한 근육운동 가이드 15 - 코어 운동(Core exercise)=힙 크로스오버(Hip Crossover) http://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=hwangssabu&logNo=220280554637; -
Mask~!; -
To change bad habits, we must study the habits of successful role models. 나쁜 습관을 바꾸려면 성공적인 역할 모델의 습성을 연구해야 한다. - 잭 캔필드, Jack Canfield; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 606편! Just follow~!; -
No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< #hwangssaburules;
gogogo ~ #WOD; -
Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy. 자존심은 오전에는 풍요, 오후에는 가난, 밤에는 악명과 함께 한다. - 벤자민 프랭클린, Benjamin Franklin; -
kkk Window shopping~^^* 국산 주짓수 도복 실제로 보니깐 정말 질 좋다~ #주짓수코리아; -
Eating well, sleeping well, and exercising well are very importing things to do to maintain a healthy life.#HwangssabuRules; -
Check it out~;
Let bravery be thy choice, but not bravado. 용기를 가지되 허세는 부리지 말라. - 메난드로스, Menandros; -
Don't Overeat on weekend~^^*; -
Experience tells you what to do. Confidence allows you to do it. 경험은 당신에게 무엇을 해야 하는지 말해주고 확신은 당신에게 그것을 하도록 허용해준다. - 스탠 스미스, Stan Smith; -
Keep going~; -
Everybody upload special "Hwangssabu-Rules" about your Life! gogogo~ #hwangssaburules;
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