โพสต์เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2558 | 06:41 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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Just wrote down my goals for 2015. What's yours? #LaughHard #LovePowerfully #GlobalDomination #AintFeelingThatLastOneThough; -
Savin' our most grueling trainin' day for the last day of 2014... #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #DirtyAndLean #SweatinAndMean #TippinScalesAt255lbs #HurryUpAndTakeThePic #BoutToPassTheFuckOut #2014 #FinishStrong #2015 #HereWeCome #GettinAfterOurGoals #LetsWork; -
She's 16yrs old, high school drop out with over 50 suspensions and 3 arrests. This weeks episode of #WakeUpCall is close to my heart. Told Alyssa if she continued down this path, she'd wind up in prison. Or worse. Told her to trust me, meet me half way and PUT IN THE WORK. Created an opportunity for her to get her GED and enroll her in a special South Florida program that allows her to pursue her dream of being a firefighter. I've been down this f*cked up road as a teen and the key is to show these kids that there's always a better way and a brighter day.. We gotta get em to commit to getting better and keep a responsible adult in their life to hold them accountable to their commitment. A very special #WakeUpCall this Friday on TNT.; -
Gorilla grip... Warming up. 75lb kettle bell swings. #FlipThatToABird #AndBounceBackLikeWord #SoSophisticated #ClanginAndBangin #LetsGetToWork; -
Met so many brave, strong and very cool children on my visit to Children's National Hospital. And speaking of cool... I had the pleasure of meeting little Ms Kara who insisted I look at w/ great admiration her beautiful, bright blue nail polish!!! Wow... I'm speechless! #InterestingHowMeetingChildrenLikeMsKara #HasThatFunnyWayOfPuttingLifeIntoPerspective #StayStrongLittleMsThang #UncleRocksGettingHisBrightBlueManiPedi #UmmLetsJustPretendForNow #UncleRockNeedsToRemainAToughGuy;
Just caught this before heading to train.. Amazing ESPN 3:60 story on Marlana VanHoose - truly incredible 18yr old girl who's been blind since birth with cerebral palsy and sings our National Anthem with beauty, power and pride. #LoudAndProud #Amen #ImReadyToRunThruABrickWall #ButIDontWantToScratchMyFace #IJustExfoliatedAgainDammit #ThankUForTheInspirationMarlana; -
A cool fan (Bryan) sent me this gem. #ThugLife #TheKidsGotStyle #LittleHomieKnowsWhatsUp #DoubleFistingCarrots #TurnDownForWhat; -
"Hurry up and take the selfie you sumbitch... you have new Christmas gifts I gotta go pee on" ~ Louie The Beast #Homies #Alphas #NoRespectForSantaRocksGifts; -
An awesome fan (Sophie) sent me this. Thank you honey and hope you had an awesome Christmas. #ItsFineForYouToSnore #ButNoDroolingOnMyFace #IJustExfoliated #AndUMustWinEveryPillowFight; -
Wanted to circle back around to y'all and say THANK YOU for a fun #ROCKTALK We trended #1 in the world for the entire hour - that's huge. Personally, it's a very cool thing for me to connect w/ y'all - answering your questions, sharing life lessons and throwin' in my dirty jokes. We'll do it again soon and always remember... #BeHumble #Hungry #AlwaysBeTheHardestWorkerInTheRoom #AndAboveAllElse #DontEverTryToPeeInTheWind #WhileDrunk #SoImTold;
TONIGHT on #WakeUpCall I got my hands full with Albert - an aggressive workaholic who was a pain in the ass to get him to meet me half way and put in the work, but he did and we may have helped save his business and much more importantly.. save his marriage. Check out our story TONIGHT on #WakeUpCall at 9pm on TNT. Enjoy the show... #SometimesAllWeNeed #IsALittleWakeUpCall #AndSomeDamnGoodTedescosPizza; -
The more experience I gained in life, the more I realized that if something's old... it's important. Learned some amazing lessons from some amazing elderly folk in a very pivotal moment tonight on #WakeUpCall. It's the one thing WE ALL struggle with.. balancing family, work and and all the other craziness life throws our way. #GreatLessons #FromImportantPeople TONIGHT at 9pm on #WakeUpCall #OnTNT; -
Life is amazing, crazy and everything in between, so these days it's the simplest of gifts that make this man happy... A bottle of my favorite tequila and a cheap ass cheesy mug to drink it in. #YouRock #WeAllRock #BeingCrazyKeepsUsFromGoingInsane #CheersEveryone #MerryChristmas; -
Santa Rock arrives, he delivers gifts and smiles.. and gets stuck cleaning up the trash. #JoysOfAJohnsonChristmas #WouldntHaveItAnyOtherWay #IKnowMyHeadsTooBigForThisSantaHat #DontJudge #BigHeadBigBrain #MerryChristmas; -
For my once a year #ChristmasDayCardio session I told myself I'd hit shuffle and whatever jam came on - was the jam I beast out to the entire workout. Ms Meghan wins the cardio lottery... #SantaRockIsInFactAllAboutThatBass #SantaRockDontLikeThatTreble #BasicallyMeans #SantaRockBeAllAboutThatBooty #OooWopWop;
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