โพสต์เมื่อ 27 ธ.ค. 2557 | 08:59 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

The more experience I gained in life, the more I realized that if something's old... it's important. Learned some amazing lessons from some amazing elderly folk in a very pivotal moment tonight on #WakeUpCall. It's the one thing WE ALL struggle with.. balancing family, work and and all the other craziness life throws our way. #GreatLessons #FromImportantPeople TONIGHT at 9pm on #WakeUpCall #OnTNT; -
Life is amazing, crazy and everything in between, so these days it's the simplest of gifts that make this man happy... A bottle of my favorite tequila and a cheap ass cheesy mug to drink it in. #YouRock #WeAllRock #BeingCrazyKeepsUsFromGoingInsane #CheersEveryone #MerryChristmas; -
Santa Rock arrives, he delivers gifts and smiles.. and gets stuck cleaning up the trash. #JoysOfAJohnsonChristmas #WouldntHaveItAnyOtherWay #IKnowMyHeadsTooBigForThisSantaHat #DontJudge #BigHeadBigBrain #MerryChristmas; -
For my once a year #ChristmasDayCardio session I told myself I'd hit shuffle and whatever jam came on - was the jam I beast out to the entire workout. Ms Meghan wins the cardio lottery... #SantaRockIsInFactAllAboutThatBass #SantaRockDontLikeThatTreble #BasicallyMeans #SantaRockBeAllAboutThatBooty #OooWopWop; -
Santa Rock delivered... #ChristmasSurprise #HadToSneakThisSteinwayInTheHouse #Quietly #DamnImGood #IMeanSantasGood #ImForeverABigKid #NowICantSleep #TimeForThatSpecialSantaRockDrink #DonJulioTequila #MakeItADouble;
Santa Rock is in the house.. #MyFavoritePartOfChristmas #HandingOutGifts #JustDontStepOnSantaRocksShoes #TheyreCleanAndBrandNew; -
The correct answer is "Uncle Rock"... #TakinWayTooLongToAnswerDude #IWasGonnaBuyYouYourFirstPickUpTruck #NowYouGetDoritosAndAFannyPack #MyNephewLucasIsTheCoolest #XmasEveParty2014; -
"Here comes Santa Claus, here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus lane..." #KaraokeKING #LIVEWithKellyAndMichael #ChristmasEveShow #RealGsWearOnesies; -
This is one brilliant musician and good brotha. If the stars align Aloe Blacc and myself will bring you something cool in summer 2015. #SoKeepYourCalmAndCarryOn #TheWholeWorldsSittingOnATickingBomb #WhereWillYouBe #SA; -
Very funny.. and f*cked up. #GotMeOutHere #LookinLikeTwoBuffLesbians #MistleToesAndFannyPacks;
Closing out 2014 with a bang.. my good bud and @rootsoffight CEO Jesse Katz We're cooking up BIG business to bring you very cool things in 2015... #HonoringOurRoots #TheHarderWeWork #TheLuckierWeGet #TheBalderWeGetToo; -
Classic rewind. #FOCUS #BringinSexyBack #AndBySexyIMean #ScaringTheFackOuttaSomeone #WhileCasuallyShrugging450lbs; -
I have my own unique and special way to break the ice with writers I've never worked with... #AndIOnlyDoThisToWritersIReallyLike #ArthurIsTheMan #ArthurCouldveAlsoFrontKickedMyBalls #NBC #Fallon #NYC; -
Hell, why not.. its 5 o'clock somewhere. #OnSet #BALLERS #HBO #BarstoolPhilosophy #BuenosNochesFromALonelyBeach; -
We got a lil' crazy last night... #SilverbackKettleBells #FridayNightClanginAndBangin #IronParadise #WhereCokeIsStillCola #AndAJointIsABadPlaceToBe #FOCUS;
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