โพสต์เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2557 | 21:17 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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A pleasure meeting these lovely little ladies (and the lovely adult ladies as well;). @foreverolivia21 @4evermadison @aleka_2323 @Sia_29 #MerryChristmasFromSantaRock Or... #HappyHanukkahFromJudahMaccaRock #ChristmasInWashington; -
Some of our brilliant Team Rock posse.. exec assistants, stylist, make up, security team, producers and moms. @robertmatadesigns, @Danielaklein, @misssolow and my girl @laurenhashianofficial reppin' our dope BOSTON RED SOX sign in the back right corner. #WePlayHard #WeWorkHarder #ThatFunkyBrassMonkey; -
That's a wrap! Thank you to all involved in bringing #ChristmasInWashington to life - an unforgettable night. My honor to host such an amazing and joyful event. #WheelsUp #MiamiBound #AnotherNightWithOnly3hrsSleep #IDontNeedSleepAnyway #JustGiveMeACupOfUnleaded #AndMyPickUpTruck #AndImGoodToGo #AndNowTheCowboyFlysAway #PeaceOut; -
Keepin' the mood light and cool before hittin' the stage in front of the President, the First Family and the world... #TimeToRockTheHouse #ButFirstTellMeImGoodLookin #OrASighWillDo #ItsShowtime #ChristmasInWashington; -
Backstage in my dressing room going over last min tweaks for our big CHRISTMAS IN WASHINGTON show w/ my $7 Bucks Productions team before we go live - our head writer Brian Gewirtz, our lead WME agent (on the TV side) Jason Hodes and our lead producer Hiram Garcia - all salt of the earth men with the dirtiest, filthiest, toilet bowl sense of humors on the planet. (And especially that damn Lewis Friedman;) #NotMeThoughImTheAngelOfTheGroup #TheyreLikeSchoolOnSunday #NoClass #ActuallyImTheDirtiestOfTheGroup But more importantly... #ItsShowtime;
Every once in a while we meet very special children who teach us about the things that really matter in life - kindness, gratitude, laughs and love. My buddy Katherine was one of many brave children I had the true pleasure of meeting here at the Children's National Hospital in Washington, DC. I say it often and I feel it down in my bones - this is by far the best part of my job. #StayStrongKatherine #YoureTheCoolestChickAround #WeCouldBeTwins #ChristmasInWashington; -
Just touched - our nation's capital. Hosting "Christmas in Washington" for President Obama, the First Family, our great nation and somewhere my arresting officer when I was a teen is shaking his head in disbelief. #ImQuietlyShakingMyHeadToo #ImOneGratefulMan #SomeonePunchMeCauseImDreaming #ButNotInMyFace #CauseIAlreadyExfoliated; -
#OneManTurntUpParty Friday night. On set of #BALLERS, while launching #WakeUpCall from my IPhone and going over my "Christmas In Washington" script making sure I entertain the President and the First Family like a real G. All while consuming my dead buffalo in record time. #TheArtOfBalance #TheArtOfEntertainment #TheArtOfIndigestionCauseIAteTooFast Photo moment captured by the Mexican Assassin @robertmatadesigns; -
For the premiere tonight of our new show #WakeUpCall I asked you to submit what you feel is holding you back in life. Millions of you responded - literally. And painted those words on this wall - literally. (Well I didn't paint it, one of my production crew did;). At 8:55pm TONIGHT I'm hooking chains up to my pick up truck and we're tearing this sumbitch down. It's time for your #WakeUpCall America... #TONIGHT #855pm #OnTNT; -
Want to thank my good buds Dana White and Mike Dolce for flying cross country to wake an 18yr old kid up at 4am to test his guts and heart to see if he has what it takes to be an MMA fighter and possibly one day make it in the UFC. It's the opportunity of a lifetime. You'll see it tonight on #WakeUpCall;
Join me today at 2pm on Twitter for the final #ROCKTALK of 2014 - LIVE. You ask.. I answer. #WeGettinOurSqueezeOn #WakeUpCall; -
Seconds away from steppin' on the Tonight Show stage.. #SplashOfRedCauseImARealG #OrCauseItsAlmostChristmas #FallonTonight #WakeUpCall; -
Rollin' into 30 Rock.. Always a blast on the Tonight Show w/ Jimmy Fallon. #TonightWeHaveFun #AndByFunIMeanTurntUp #AndByTurntUpIMeanWeMayPutOnWigs #WTF; -
Gotta keep my ladies on their toes.. #MakeUpTrailer #BALLERS #TheGirlsPeedALittleWhenThisHappened @misssolow @danielaklein; -
Even thru my multiple arrests as a teen, I had a few good people in my life who had faith that I'd turn out to be a decent man. Thought it was important that I told this kid, Terrell that even though he's he's had plenty of f*ck ups, he's going to be a great man one day. You'll see Terrell's #WakeUpCall this Friday night on TNT. #IHitEmHard #AndHugEmHarder #WakeUpCall;
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