โพสต์เมื่อ 11 ธ.ค. 2557 | 03:56 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

"You can't erase your past, but welcome to your future..." This Friday night, real people put in the work and real transformations begin. #WakeUpCall #9pm #TNT; -
Alright dad you gots 4 seconds to get this shot of me and Rock. Pls hurry his post workout gorilla stench is killin' a brotha. #MyLittleBuddyWyatt #MetHimOnAnElevator #HesABigFanOfMyWork; -
Breakfast of champions.. (or slightly crazy individuals). 5 packs of Cream of Wheat, 4 liquid chickens (scrambled) and 8oz of dead buffalo (or bison). #PostCardioBreakfast #TheRedSauceIsLionBlood #AlsoKnownAsKetchup; -
Even after 3 1/2 hrs of sleep.. this muthaf*ckin' IPhone does not understand the basic principles of grind... I do not tap. Ever. (I do, however wish this was a dream and I could go back to sleepy time). #RulesOfTheJungle #SnoozeButtonGetsNoLove #HandleThisBusiness #AMCardio; -
"We're going to show what the largest earthquake ever recorded would look like.." - SAN ANDREAS director, Brad Peyton. Great cover story in USA Today. There's no beating Mother Nature.. she's the toughest mama around. #WhereWillYouBe #SanAndreas;
Mastering the art of talkn' shit in different octaves. Or not.. #MorninVoiceCracklin #SheStillCallsMeDaddy #AMCardio #HandledAndDone; -
"Now if you're from Uptown, Brooklyn bound, the Bronx, Queens or Long Island Sound.. even other states come right and exact.. It ain't where ya from its where ya at.." #NYC #AMCardio #RakimStateOfMind #HandleThisBusiness #ABitColdAndNipplyOutside #GoodMorningFromNY; -
Just touched down.. #NYC #LiveAndNoJive #LetsHandleThisBusiness #WakeUpCall; -
When animals realize they're gonna become my lunch. #ImKidding #NotKidding #KoalaWasDevouredIn7Seconds #NewWorldRecord; -
We may not be able to erase our past, but we can always change our future.. #OneWeekAway #WakeUpCall #Dec12th #OnTNT;
#tbt This character was insane (literally), but one of my favorites. #PainAndGain #ImNotBoldJustCauseIRockGold #ThisManNeedsJesus #AndSomeValium; -
Breakfast of G's. (or a dude who just likes steak in the am).. 5 packs of Cream of Wheat, 4 liquid chickens (scrambled) and 8oz of dead cow. #DeadCowCanBeSubstituted #WithDeadBuffalo #DontBeAfraidToEatThePinkPart #NowGoOnAndHandleYaBusiness; -
We talk about growing our global business, love for our family and inappropriate funny shit... not necessarily in that order. #MyLeadAgentSlater #MyProducingPartnerBeau #My3rdBottleOfCheapWine @bslater9 @bubbakrush; -
Gotta hit up my ninjas. #SlaughterHouseInABlouse @rondarousey #MyPartnerInGrind @kevinhart4real; -
Front porch gratitude. #ColorsAndRide #PickUpMan #CountryLiving;
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