โพสต์เมื่อ 19 พ.ย. 2557 | 00:25 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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I had the crowd at "Hobbit porn"... A true honor to step on the iconic #IMPROV stage. Had a blast and thank you for the love... #JoJoDancerWouldveBeenProud #CarlinWouldveLovedMyJackOffJoke #HobbitPornDoesExist #JustAskVinDiesel #ThatWasForYouRickles; -
Always focused.. and occasionally forgetful. #YouFeelMyPain #StruggleIsReal #StillWeForgeAhead #BALLERS #HBO #ComingInLeanAndMean #AndWontForgetMyHeadphones; -
The beauty of doing cardio outside... Just me, my goals and what I believe to be bird shit landing on my back. #IHeardItMeansGoodLuck #IThinkItJustMeansBirdShit #EitherWay #CardioContinues #Onward; -
My crazy history and proud deep roots... On this day (Nov 15th) back in 1983, my dad "Soulman" Rocky Johnson and his tag team partner "Mr USA" Tony Atlas defeated my uncles The Wild Samoans.. to become the first ever WWE African American Tag Team Champions. These were my "Superheroes" growing up - real men who didn't wear capes, but would scratch, claw, bite and fight to get the job done to protect and provide for our families. They were trailblazers and the color of their skin or anyone else's never mattered. They were also slightly and undeniably crazy as all hell... #ItsAFamilyTradition #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #ExplainsMyNeedForTherapyOneDay; -
I first met my hero and friend, Muhammad Ali when I was 6yrs old in New Zealand. He pretended to spar with me and pulled me up on his lap to take this pic. In that moment, his kindness made me the happiest kid in the world... Met him again at 24yrs old and he pulled me in for a hug and whispered, "Can you rumble?". In 1998, as The Rock in the WWE, he granted me the true honor of using his title, "The People's Champ" - a title I proudly carry for life. That said, I'm so happy to announce that the champ himself has just joined us on Instagram... I've put together a short welcome video (with my partners @rootsoffight). Go check out @muhammadali and show some love to The Greatest Of All Time. Welcome to Instagram champ! #ThankUForBeingSoKindToMeAsAKid #NeverForgotIt #NothingIsImpossible #YouAreTrulyThePeoplesChamp;
Our goal is to make a movie that's big, epic and so funny you'll slap the sh*t outta somebody. Excited to team up with my brotha in grind @kevinhart4real His hustle is incredible and his talent is off the charts. Shooting starts in March. Can't wait to make this movie for you guys... #TheyCallHimTheGoldenJet #AndTheyCallMeBob #WeCouldPassAsTwins #ThisShitsGonnaBeBananas #CentralIntelligence; -
For 14yrs, my cousin Ben proudly served as a Navy SEAL. Receiving two Bronze Star Medals and The Purple Heart. Willing to risk his life, so we can live ours - in freedom. Think about that for a moment... the life our families get to enjoy daily... are a direct result of very special men and women who are willing to sacrifice their own. War and combat is polarizing and I understand that. Everyone has a view. Rising above the politics of it all... I humbly say THANK YOU to our US veterans and current men and women in uniform. Love you Ben. Thank you brother - for everything. #VeteransDay #Gold #LongLiveTheBrotherhood #HolyShitYourHeadLooksBigInThisPicture; -
Apparently, in the heat my "cash and prizes" expand... Thank U to my stylist @robertmatadesigns for the thoughtful logic. #GottaMakeTimeToLaugh #GottaHaveFunCrossingTheLine #GottaStopMataFromCheckinOutMyBalls; -
Appreciate this moment w/ my lil' bud, Jude. Reminded me of what truly really matters in life... Workin' hard, takin' care of our women and raisin' our babies right. And for the love of all that's holy - puttin' lift kits on our pick up trucks. #CircleOfLife #ItsABeautifulThing #ThankUBabyJ #GrowUpToBeAPickUpMan #AndAlwaysListenToYourMama; -
Fired up reading the script of my next movie - Big action comedy. Surprise announcement this week of who my co-star will be. Here's a hint... in the right lighting and camera angles, we could pass as twins! #OurMamasWillBeProud #IThinkWeHaveTheSameDaddy #GetReadyWorld #ThisShitIsGonnaBeFunny;
Hardest workin' man in the room, talkin' to... the other hardest workin' man in the room @kevinhart4real Keep stackin' that belt baby boy... #BigBob #GoldenJet #ShitsGonnaBeBanana #YeahILeftOffTheS; -
Pre workout just Startin' to kick in... #LegDay #CrazyDay #AllAboutThatBass #NoTreble #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #LetsGetToWork #FunPain; -
Had to break out a bottle from my "exclusive" Don Julio collection in honor of listening to an all time classic from my good bud Michael Hayes, "I'm Gonna Drink til' You Look Good". #ClassicJam #YesThatTequilaBottleSaysDonDwayne #AndYesThatsADuck #MyBoysCrazy #AintWeAll #ITunesWillNeverBeTheSame #Cheers; -
One of my lil' babies on our farm... #IRaiseEmFatAndAggressive #LikeMeAsAnEarlyTeen #ProudBassPapa; -
Rock Lobster. #TBT #RollingStonePhotoShoot #IFeelNoPain #Ever #OkMaybeALittle;
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