โพสต์เมื่อ 12 พ.ย. 2557 | 11:22 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

For 14yrs, my cousin Ben proudly served as a Navy SEAL. Receiving two Bronze Star Medals and The Purple Heart. Willing to risk his life, so we can live ours - in freedom. Think about that for a moment... the life our families get to enjoy daily... are a direct result of very special men and women who are willing to sacrifice their own. War and combat is polarizing and I understand that. Everyone has a view. Rising above the politics of it all... I humbly say THANK YOU to our US veterans and current men and women in uniform. Love you Ben. Thank you brother - for everything. #VeteransDay #Gold #LongLiveTheBrotherhood #HolyShitYourHeadLooksBigInThisPicture; -
Apparently, in the heat my "cash and prizes" expand... Thank U to my stylist @robertmatadesigns for the thoughtful logic. #GottaMakeTimeToLaugh #GottaHaveFunCrossingTheLine #GottaStopMataFromCheckinOutMyBalls; -
Appreciate this moment w/ my lil' bud, Jude. Reminded me of what truly really matters in life... Workin' hard, takin' care of our women and raisin' our babies right. And for the love of all that's holy - puttin' lift kits on our pick up trucks. #CircleOfLife #ItsABeautifulThing #ThankUBabyJ #GrowUpToBeAPickUpMan #AndAlwaysListenToYourMama; -
Fired up reading the script of my next movie - Big action comedy. Surprise announcement this week of who my co-star will be. Here's a hint... in the right lighting and camera angles, we could pass as twins! #OurMamasWillBeProud #IThinkWeHaveTheSameDaddy #GetReadyWorld #ThisShitIsGonnaBeFunny; -
Hardest workin' man in the room, talkin' to... the other hardest workin' man in the room @kevinhart4real Keep stackin' that belt baby boy... #BigBob #GoldenJet #ShitsGonnaBeBanana #YeahILeftOffTheS;
Pre workout just Startin' to kick in... #LegDay #CrazyDay #AllAboutThatBass #NoTreble #HardestWorkerInTheRoom #LetsGetToWork #FunPain; -
Had to break out a bottle from my "exclusive" Don Julio collection in honor of listening to an all time classic from my good bud Michael Hayes, "I'm Gonna Drink til' You Look Good". #ClassicJam #YesThatTequilaBottleSaysDonDwayne #AndYesThatsADuck #MyBoysCrazy #AintWeAll #ITunesWillNeverBeTheSame #Cheers; -
One of my lil' babies on our farm... #IRaiseEmFatAndAggressive #LikeMeAsAnEarlyTeen #ProudBassPapa; -
Rock Lobster. #TBT #RollingStonePhotoShoot #IFeelNoPain #Ever #OkMaybeALittle; -
For some reason exfoliating doesn't do a thing for my f*cked up calloused hands... #AhWell #AtLeastISmellGood #LetsGetToWork #ClanginAndBangin;
Here's the exclusive Instagram trailer for my new transformation show #WakeUpCall No cash prize at the end and no one gets voted off. Just good people who are down on their luck and need a helping hand. Wanted to create a TV show where real change can happen - if you're willing to put in the work. #StartsWithOurTwoHands #WakeUpCall; -
"We ain't cowboys and ponies.. we're horses and men.." #MeAndBob #BobLikesToCuss #ButImAHorseWhisperer #AndBobDoesntGiveAShit #AFewOlCountryBoys; -
Bass, carp, bullheads and sunnies.. I raise em fat on the farm. #ColdWeatherTime #MakinMyBabiesSluggish #NoMoreSpinnerbaits #HadToSwitchToSoftPlastics #TexasRigStyle Many of you are saying what the f*ck do these hashtags even mean...;) #BassMasterTalk; -
Sunday inspiration.. #ManyHorses #ManyGhosts #1Silverback #CueRockyTrainingMontageMusic; -
Appreciate the huge buzz over our new FAST & FURIOUS trailer. Glad you dug it...its a helluva ride. APRIL 2015. #DaddysGottaGoToWork #Furious7 #LoveYouPW;
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