Hwang Ssabu เทรนเนอร์ YG
YG Captain trainer /Jiujiteiro
ของ ฮวางซาบู
มี 917 คนชอบรูปนี้
Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. 지식이 없는 성실은 허약하고 쓸모 없다. 성실이 없는 지식은 위험하고 두려운 것이다. - 사무엘 존슨, Dr. Samuel Johnson; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 878편! 더 열심히 공부하자~! Let's study harder~! #홍대싸비MMA #주짓수 #jiujitsu #운동#diet #fitness #황싸부 #부상조심; -
JIU-JITSU Daily Workout Program 3/31(thur) *Goal of the Day= total body 1. Side turn press = 3sets of 30reps 2. Squat & Press = 3sets of 30reps 3. Twist = 3sets of 30reps *자신과 타협하지말것~!^^ = Don't compromise yourself! #운동 #fitness #주짓수 #jiujitsu #strength #Side #press #squat #twist # #reebox #ZPUMP; -
Eating well, sleeping well, and exercising well are very importing things to do to maintain a healthy life. #hwangssaburules; -
#Repost @jinusean3000 with @repostapp. ・・・ #어린이재활병원건립 #만원의기적 #천원의기적 #푸르메재단 #은총이;
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 877편! Cool~!^^* #adidasboxing #운동중독 #운동 #복싱 #킥복싱 #다이어트 #fitness #diet #황싸부; -
The unexamined life is not worth living. 반성하지 않는 삶은 살 가치가 없다. - 소크라테스, Socrates; -
JIU-JITSU Daily Workout Program 3/30(WED) *Goal of the Day= total body 1. Gymball Leg Curl = 3sets of 30reps 2. Bar Sit-up & Press = 3sets of 30reps 3. Weighted Squat = 3sets of 30reps *자신과 타협하지말것~!^^ = Don't compromise yourself! #운동 #fitness #주짓수 #jiujitsu #strength #Legcurl #gymball #situp #press #squat # #reebox #PUMP; -
People do not lack strength, they lack will. 강인함이 부족한 것이 아니라 의지가 부족한 것이다. - 빅토르 위고, Victor Hugo; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 875편! 粉骨碎身(분골쇄신)=뼈가 가루가 되고 몸이 부서진다는 뜻. 최선의 노력을 다하여 힘쓰고 고생한다는 뜻! #홍대싸비MMA #주짓수 #jiujitsu #운동#diet #fitness #황싸부 #부상조심;
No matter "WHAT WHEN WHERE"Always remember Hwangssabu Rules! ^^< #hwangssaburules; -
즐거운 간식 타임~!^^ 1) "샐러데이"를 열고 "머슬업" 넣어 섞는다! 2) "싱싱(컵과일)" 열어두고 중간중간 먹는다! 상큼하다 ㅎㅎ #간식 #꼬꼬빌 #머슬업 #샐러데이 #싱싱 #컵과일; -
JIU-JITSU Daily Workout Program 3/29(Tue) *Goal of the Day= Core 1. Sit-up = 3sets of 30reps 2. Side-out = 3sets of 30reps 3. Bird Dog = 3sets of 30sec.(each) *자신과 타협하지말것~!^^ = Don't compromise yourself! #운동 #fitness #주짓수 #jiujitsu #strength #situp #sideout #birddog #reebox #ZPUMP; -
Got it~!!; -
심폐소생술(CPR) 및 AED 사용법은 꼭 기억해두세요~! #심폐소생술 #CPR #AED #KACPR #응급 #심정지;
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