โพสต์เมื่อ 19 ม.ค. 2559 | 17:18 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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Only way to start this post is with THANK YOU. WORLD'S #1 INTERNATIONAL BOX OFFICE STAR. I was blessed with this title in 2013 and now again in 2015. $1.48billion is a lot of revenue to generate in our business in only one year, BUT it's also the important reminder that regardless of what we achieve in life, we always gotta keep striving for more, staying hungrier than the rest and being grateful around every corner. This cool global achievement doesn't happen without my amazing family, management, agents, attorneys, publicists, financial management, studio partners, fellow actors, Team Rock and the final two deserving personal shout outs - my dog #HobbsTheBeast and you... THE greatest f*cking fans in the world. Stay hungry and keep working your ass off because one day I want to see the news write a cool report about you and YOUR accomplishments. #LetsGetToWork #ChaseYourGreatness #SevenBucksProductions #1WorldWide #TimeForACheatMeal 🏾; -
Amazing artwork from @buskoart. I appreciate the love dahlin' - THANK YOU. #GreatestFansInTheWorld * * Dwayne Johnson's work ethic, attitude about life and positive influence on others are all reasons why he's such a huge role model for me. If you're reading this, I hope you go after what you want 🏽 "Don't be afraid to be ambitious about your goals. Hard work never stops. Neither should your dreams." -The Rock Thank YOU for your positive feedback and for supporting my artwork! I love you all ️ 3ft x 4ft Acrylic paint on canvas #DwayneJohnson #TheRock #DeniseBusko; -
We got a late one in tonight. #IronParadise #WhereWePushThruPain #AndJohnCashPlaysOnALoop; -
Definitely recommend this great film (and true story) from my good bud Michael Bay and proud to see the brave work of these Special Operators brought to the big screen. Also solid to see my buddy John Krasinski in this extremely daunting role. #6MenVs100 #13Hours; -
#HappyBirthdayAli. A hero of mine and the man who in 1998 bestowed upon me the moniker, "The People's Champ". #TheOriginalPeoplesChamp #GOAT;
Wow. Just in: After 75yrs of being in publication, our #ManOfTheCentury @muscle_and_fitness is on its way to being the biggest issue of all time. Thrilled and grateful so many of you around the world were able to pull inspiration from it. THANK YOU, stay strong and for the love of gym God's around the world, put back your f*cking weights. ~ DJ 🏾; -
#Hobbs if I let you workout in the #IronParadise the "Downward Dog" is not a requirement. For the ladies, yes. Dudes, no. 🏾; -
A pleasure shooting w/ one of the greats @brianbowensmith ・・・ Speaking of #BALLERS My man @therock was the #1 International box office star in the world for 2015. Your an inspiration and one great human. Congrats on all your success. It comes from passion and hard work. Well deserved. Thank you #therock #dwanejohnson #brianbowensmith This is from one of my fav shoots. #BALLERS; -
Very intense work week (sleeps overrated;) so spending my Fri working on our DISNEY animated musical was exactly what this big boy needed. Global anticipation builds for the introduction of our brand new Disney Princess - played by the awesome @auliicravalho - with the release of our #MOANA.. the more and more I'm blown away and inspired by the entire process of how these classic and timeless films are created. Much respect to John Lasseter, all our filmmakers/animators and the cool culture they've created. What a year for the company... introducing a new Disney Princess, Star Wars becomes the most successful and beloved film of all time and The Rock sings multiple Disney songs in keys that don't exist. . Can't wait to bring y'all #MOANA THIS NOVEMBER! #MouseHouseFam 🏾; -
Me trying figure out algebra and geometry back in high school. Finally just said "aaaah the hell with it, I'll go conquer somethin' else";
Excuse me while I elegantly and apparently forever adjust my cuff link... #OnSet #BALLERS #Season2 #Miami #RockPose Ball out.. ; -
This dude @everydayrobbie & his boys hilarious. That #RockAir will make you do crazy shit... ・・・ Have you always wanted to drop the people's elbow just like @therock does? Well I now give you the long anticipated "Rock Air" @therock @thegovernor1 @brand_is_on @mattg2110 A big thanks to @mk_boxing for letting us use the ring! They are located in Woburn, MA. Go check em out!; -
It's designed to break you. And it will. The national prison recidivism rate is 70+%. Here at Miami Dade Bootcamp it's a staggering 9 PERCENT. Join us as our @sevenbucksprod partners with @HBO Documentary Films and @44_blue to bring you inside one of the most hard core and successful bootcamp prisons in the world. #PowerOfASecondChance #MiamiDade #Bootcamp #RockAndAHardPlace COMING IN MAY on HBO.; -
It ain't pretty.. Old school/hard core movement you rarely see today, but extremely effective. #BarrelChest #BigsDogEat #LilPuppiesStayOnThePorch #IronParadise; -
All attitude and baby oil.. Dope artwork by @joe.kahn back when I became the youngest heavyweight champ in #WWE history. 1998 (Attitude Era) was a supremely special time for us - as a roster we were setting "box office" records every night, in every city, in every arena we played. We (and the company) were all making great money and having a blast nightly living on the road. WWE also wasn't a publicly traded company at that time, which inherently meant we were all a bit crazier and a lot f*cking rowdier back then - including the fans 🏾. As an OG of the wrestling business it's very cool to see where the WWE has evolved to and more interesting to me - is where it eventually goes. Over the years when I was wrestling full time, I'd always talk w/ Vince McMahon about our goals. The big goals he had for the company and my #1 goal - which was to grab that WWE Title aka "the brass ring" and take it places it's never been. Or will ever go again. We accomplished that and so much more. Here's the best part about the WWE today - that "brass ring" is ALWAYS up for grabs to anyone in that locker room who has the balls and smarts to take it and run and most importantly prove to the company that they can draw money better than everyone on the roster. There's some very talented dudes and chicks on the #WWE & #NXT rosters. As a faithful fan of the wrestling business I'm fired up to see who's gonna emerge, grab that "brass ring" and become the leaders of a new era. Be relentless, get after that brass ring, have a blast and kayfabe the baby oil. And most importantly, save your dough. #PeoplesChamp4L #GetReadyDallas #WrestleMania32 🏾;
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