โพสต์เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2559 | 08:53 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

It's designed to break you. And it will. The national prison recidivism rate is 70+%. Here at Miami Dade Bootcamp it's a staggering 9 PERCENT. Join us as our @sevenbucksprod partners with @HBO Documentary Films and @44_blue to bring you inside one of the most hard core and successful bootcamp prisons in the world. #PowerOfASecondChance #MiamiDade #Bootcamp #RockAndAHardPlace COMING IN MAY on HBO.; -
It ain't pretty.. Old school/hard core movement you rarely see today, but extremely effective. #BarrelChest #BigsDogEat #LilPuppiesStayOnThePorch #IronParadise; -
All attitude and baby oil.. Dope artwork by @joe.kahn back when I became the youngest heavyweight champ in #WWE history. 1998 (Attitude Era) was a supremely special time for us - as a roster we were setting "box office" records every night, in every city, in every arena we played. We (and the company) were all making great money and having a blast nightly living on the road. WWE also wasn't a publicly traded company at that time, which inherently meant we were all a bit crazier and a lot f*cking rowdier back then - including the fans 🏾. As an OG of the wrestling business it's very cool to see where the WWE has evolved to and more interesting to me - is where it eventually goes. Over the years when I was wrestling full time, I'd always talk w/ Vince McMahon about our goals. The big goals he had for the company and my #1 goal - which was to grab that WWE Title aka "the brass ring" and take it places it's never been. Or will ever go again. We accomplished that and so much more. Here's the best part about the WWE today - that "brass ring" is ALWAYS up for grabs to anyone in that locker room who has the balls and smarts to take it and run and most importantly prove to the company that they can draw money better than everyone on the roster. There's some very talented dudes and chicks on the #WWE & #NXT rosters. As a faithful fan of the wrestling business I'm fired up to see who's gonna emerge, grab that "brass ring" and become the leaders of a new era. Be relentless, get after that brass ring, have a blast and kayfabe the baby oil. And most importantly, save your dough. #PeoplesChamp4L #GetReadyDallas #WrestleMania32 🏾; -
For #BALLERS we have three directors all season who bring their own dope style and flavor - one of them is this brotha @gatelife. Always a pleasure choppin' up story and character with this man. We got some cool quality coming for you guys this summer for SEASON 2. #OnSet #BALLERS #HBO Ball so hard..; -
Motivating CNN read. I've worked extremely hard to build a $5.8billion enterprise (from literally $7bucks), BUT it's a strong reminder that the more we achieve the harder we have to work. Our @sevenbucksprod company is young, hungry and growing fast in film, TV, digital etc and we're just getting started. Whatever it is you do or dream of doing, I encourage you to set the bar as high as you can for yourself or your company -- once the bar is set -- be willing to put in the work for YEARS and work harder than everyone around you. And when I say everyone, I don't mean just a few. I mean everyone. #BeRelentless #ChaseYourGreatness #AndOneDayIWantToBeReadingAboutYouInCNN 🏾;
Big love to my good bud - the incomparable @jlo for owning the night w/ me. Hardest working woman in show business and one of the coolest chicks around. I told her backstage, "You work hard on that amazing leg.. show it!" #GoldenGlobes #RockAndJLo #OwningIt #OneBaldHead #TwoAmazingLegs; -
After being up for 37hrs straight and still working, my humor goes from the penthouse to the outhouse very quickly. @jayglazer sure has a big smile on his face. #JustSayin #OnSet #GottaHaveFun #BALLERS #Season2; -
Hey we all punch that clock and work long hours. Our "anchor" keeps us running on gas and not fumes. #FindYourAnchor; -
415am. Eagle landed. Heading to #Ballers set, but first we hit the #IronParadise for cardio and second wind. Just say f*ck it, smile and go.; -
We owned the night! THANK YOU #GoldenGlobes for a spectacular evening. Wheels up and Miami bound. #BALLERS set here I come. Let's shoot. Ball so hard.. #VelvetBlaze;
"Let's roll baby.." #MinutesAway #RedCarpet #GoldenGlobes; -
Get it in where you can.. A lil' pre #GoldenGlobes hotel suite cardio. Gotta make sure I'm on point so I can fit in my...shoes. ; -
We make great friends, but we're better enemies. Welcome one of the greats, Andy Garcia to our family. #BALLERS #Season2 #HBO Ball out..; -
Very powerful new series from my good bud director @pberg44. We share an incredible amount of love and respect for our warriors and these are real soldiers telling real stories. #Battle #Survival #LiveToTell #HistoryChannel JAN 10th.; -
Surprise! Just landed in LA and went straight to a special screening of #CentralIntelligence where me and my partner in grind @kevinhart4real surprised the audience. Coolest part about this whole thing besides me always getting the urge to grab Kevin and kiss the top of his head was seeing our movie with an audience (who had no idea we were hiding in the crowd) and watching go crazy for the film. Thank you guys for the love and glad you loved the movie! Can't wait to show it to the world.. #HesTheGoldenJet #AndImBobStoneBitch #AndWeHateBullies #CentralIntelligence COMING THIS JUNE.;
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