Hwang Ssabu เทรนเนอร์ YG
YG Captain trainer /Jiujiteiro
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มี 328 คนชอบรูปนี้
#Repost @knsnyn_0309 with @repostapp. ・・・ 【Do you know hwangssabu rule???】 BIGBANG in Tokyo dome #BIGBANG#MADE#TOUR#JAPAN#빅뱅#도교#투어#권지용#동영배#이승현#강대성#최승현#GD#SOL#VI#DLITE#TOP @hwangssabu; -
Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. 지식이 없는 성실은 허약하고 쓸모 없다. 성실이 없는 지식은 위험하고 두려운 것이다. - 사무엘 존슨, Dr. Samuel Johnson; -
Good Job~!^^* Don't skip! JUST Follow Me = 30sec. Handstand This will make a habit of exercising yourself. Let's start handstand. It is important to continue on a daily. If you start, let's record a photo or video. Let us together. From today! #hwangssabu #justfollowme #JFM #habit #everyday #daily #운동습관 #매일 #물구나무 #handstand #벽을이용한물구나무 #오늘부터시작 #긍정적인마인드 #근성 #끈기; -
JIU-JITSU Daily Workout Program 11/12(thur) *** Action speak louder than Words~! 1. Kettlebell Swing = 20repsX4sets 2. Dumbbell Squat & Press = 20X4 3. L - Sit = 30sec.X4 *female 3sets~! *자신과 타협하지말것~!^^ = Don't compromise yourself! #홍대싸비MMA #주짓수 #jiujitsu #시합 #competition #kettlebell #swing #Dumbbell #squat #Lsit #체력훈련 #리복 #reebok #pump; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 779편! Boxing is Love #diet #boxing #kickboxing #다이어트;
Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance. 위대한 성과는 힘이 아닌 인내의 산물이다. - 사무엘 존슨, Dr. Samuel Johnson; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 778편! Speed Kick Boxing~!^^* #boxing #kickboxing #gymball #diet; -
#Repost @hydrangea_garden with @repostapp. ・・・ 일주일에 운동 5일 월.수,목은 YG에서 이얍!!!! 룰러로 밀고 버티기!!!!!!; -
To change bad habits, we must study the habits of successful role models. 나쁜 습관을 바꾸려면 성공적인 역할 모델의 습성을 연구해야 한다. - 잭 캔필드, Jack Canfield; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 777편! 柔能勝剛 유능승강=유(柔)한 것이 강(强)한 것을 이긴다는 뜻으로, 약한 것을 보이고 적의 허술한 틈을 타 능히 강(强)한 것을 제압(制壓)함을 비유(比喩ㆍ譬喩)해 이르는 말! ^^ #주짓수 #jiujitsu #홍대싸비mma #부드러움 #강함 #두려움 #극기;
JIU-JITSU Daily Workout Program 11/10(Tue) *** Action speak louder than Words~! 1. Jump Shoulder Press = 20repsX4sets 2. Decline Push-up = 10X4 3. Wrist curl = 10X4 *female 3sets~! *자신과 타협하지말것~!^^ = Don't compromise yourself! #홍대싸비MMA #싸비주짓수8pm #shoulderpress #decline #pushup #wrist #curl #jiujitsu #시합 #competition #체력훈련 #리복 #reebok #pump; -
Hwangssabu Rules? Basic Tips for Health and Diet at regular intervals even better! 1. Stretching right now 2. Drink a cup of water slowly 3. Clap beats 30 times 4. Last laugh out loud ^__^ That was easy! Often these can maintain the health!^^ Do it~ #hwangssaburules; -
The Loneliness of Self-Discipline(고독한 자기관리) 776편! Today is Sweat day~!^^* #boxing #adidasboxing #땀 #땀은배신하지않는다 #다이어트; -
Use what you have to run toward your best - that's how I now live my life. 최고가 되기 위해 가진 모든 것을 활용하세요. 이것이 바로 현재 제가 사는 방식이랍니다. - 오프라 윈프리, Oprah Winfrey; -
JIU-JITSU Daily Workout Program 11/9(Mon) *** Action speak louder than Words~! 1. Hindu Push-up = 20repsX4sets 2. Pistol Squat(each) = 10X4 3. Archer Pull-up = 10X4 *female 3sets~! *자신과 타협하지말것~!^^ = Don't compromise yourself! #홍대싸비MMA #싸비주짓수8pm #hindupushup #pistol #squat #archerpullup #jiujitsu #시합 #competition #자기관리 #극기 #체력훈련 #컨디션관리 #리복 #reebok;
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