โพสต์เมื่อ 30 ส.ค 2558 | 22:15 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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Grilled buffalo meat, baked potato fries, "Ballers" magazine with some handsome bald tattooed sumbitch on the cover... but the real star of the show is... a mound of Rice Crispy treats with my fork planted in the middle as if to say "It's all mine baby". #MyVersionOfTheMileHighClub #WhereFunIsHad #AndDaddyDontShare #GetYourOwnRiceCrispyTreats; -
Big wheels keep on rollin'.. Thank you @europagamesexpo we had a blast! Congratulations to our champ and #WeiderAthlete @danygarciaco and all the IFBB Pro athletes and champions who came to Atlantic City to BRING IT... I know the extreme hard work and discipline you put in so nothing but love and respect sent your way. #TilNextTime #KeepClanginAndBangin #AndChasinYourGreatness #TimeToDominateMyCheatMeal; -
Eat first. #IronParadise #SlabTraining #ChaseYourGreatness #HardestWorkersInTheRoom; -
I always have my Cash. #DontTakeYourGunsToTownSon #ButAlwaysKeepThatSockGameStrong #IWalkTheLine; -
They say success will only magnify the person you truly are. In that case, it's pretty simple with me.. Don't let petty things take up my time, nor do I talk shit to others. Just hard work daily. Period. I'm also really good at dominating pizza, brownies and tequila like a drunk on free peanuts. #MagnifyingGlassOfSuccess #SimpleMan #HardWorkDrunksAndFreePeanuts;
2011. DSS Agent field training. Deep South. #LukeHobbs #FastAndFurious #InNeedOfElectrolytes #AndToLayOffThePancakes #TBT; -
I'm always asked "What's a key to success?". It's the willingness to put in the hard work.. when you're alone. Everyone works hard when eyes are on them. Boss watching, teachers, trainers, co-workers etc. Pushing yourself past your limits and working extremely hard when no one is watching is what makes all the difference in the world and sets you up for success. Best thing about being alone is that no one can judge you.. but you. #OutHustleTheWorld #AndAlwaysBeTheHardestWorkerInTheRoom #AndMakeRidiculousSexyTimeWorkoutFaces; -
It's official and THANK YOU: You've made the first season of #BALLERS HBO's MOST WATCHED COMEDY THIS DECADE. On the Most Watched Comedies of ALL TIME we came in at #3 behind SEX AND THE CITY and HUNG (which is coincidentally my nickname after multiple shots of Jack Daniels). Thank y'all for havin' our backs -- we'll always have yours. Get ready for SEASON 2. #ProductionStartsInNOV #BallOut #MostWatchedShowOfTheDecade #ThankYou #BALLERS; -
6 months ago I was there when these young offenders (from from armed robbery to attempted murder) were bused in at 3am to a hard core awakening. Told them their lives were about to change. That drill instructors we're going to break them down physically and mentally in ways they never imagined. They fucked up, broke the law and there's a hard price they're gonna pay, but if they stuck with it - didn't quit - then in 6 months they would become changed men. Better men. Today, not only are they better, but they're officially free. Our "graduating class" have transitioned into real jobs and now they understand real discipline and self respect. The hard work ain't over. In many ways it's just beginning, but today is a great step in the right direction. The recidivism rate in the U.S. prison system is over 70 PERCENT. Meaning over 70% of prisoners released will commit crimes and return back to prison. The recidivism rate for our one of kind Dade County Boot Camp is 9 PERCENT. 9 PERCENT. I wanted the world to see the positive impact this Boot Camp and its committed Drill Instructors have, and just as important I wanted the world to see these youth offenders experience real CHANGE to become better men. I was once one of these kids screwing up and getting arrested, so this documentary is close to me. Can't wait for you to see it. #RockAndAHardPlace #HBO; -
Happy Birthday to my dad Rocky "Soulman" Johnson aka the original Rock! The man who broke color barriers for blacks in the world of Pro Wrestling in the 60's, 70's and early 80's - back in the day when wrestling was not the global commercialized business it is today, but rather an extremely hard core cut throat business where he and other wrestlers would be paid in cash nightly and carry guns on them just case "things got a little out of hand" in these small towns all across the U.S. He started kickin' my ass on the wrestling mats and in the gym when I was around 10yrs old and would always say, "If you throw up go outside and if you want sympathy go home to your mother.. but either way you're gonna work your ass off to earn your respect." The more experienced I become, the more grateful I am for my pops and all the defining DNA tools he's given me. #HappyBirthdaySoulman #NoSubstituteForHardWork #Ever #AndNoGoingHomeToMama 🏾;
HBO came to me at the beginning of the season and said "For the first time ever we'd like to show the world your... ass-ests in a sex scene." I said "Let's wait til' our season finale..." Many squats, lunges and pop tarts later... tonight my ass-sets get shown and y'all will see how I get down. #OnADesk #DontJudgeMe #SheSawJesusThatDay #BALLERSFinale #TheWorldWillSeeASSets TONIGHT 10PM on HBO.; -
TONIGHT we ball out... millions of you have made #BALLERS the hottest and most watched show on HBO in years. SEASON 2 starts shooting in November, but TONIGHT we celebrate and end SEASON 1 with a bang (literally;). #BALLERSFinale 10PM TONIGHT ON HBO. Time to get lit...; -
Heard a bang against the window, went outside and this beautiful little flying zombie was on its back and could only move its head. My first instinct was to eat him (whole, no chewing needed) but the loving and caring @laurenhashianofficial felt it was more appropriate we gently put him in a box and take him to the zombie hospital. I'm too busy of a man to be taking care of things like this, but we all must take care of God's creatures.. even these little zombies with wings. #OffToTheVetWeGo #WeThinkItsAChimneySwift #HakunaMaTweety #ItCanWatchTheBALLERSFinaleWithMeTonight #ThenIWillEatIt; -
Crazy story in that the character of SPENCER STRASMORE has been a total wish fulfillment scenario for me - his life of an NFL Super Bowl Champion and future Hall of Famer was the life I worked my ass off for years to achieve. It never worked out for me, but the role has inspired in ways I could've never imagined. Thank y'all for making it cool and special. Enjoy our final episode... we saved the best for last. #FunnyHowTheFailuresCanTurnIntoBlessings #AndAllThingsHappenForAReason #BALLERS SUNDAY 10PM on HBO. Ball out.; -
Click into the link in my profile for this EXCLUSIVE.. The long awaited #RocksUltimateBallOutPlaylist. 16 of my personal favorite songs to train and just ball out to. Enjoy these dope tracks 'cause it took me over an hour last night to put this shit together for y'all and @AppleMusic.🏾. Have fun and ball out. And yeah "Mack Man" from Willie Hutch is my gym entrance music. #YallAintReadyForThat #BALLERS #SeasonFinale SUNDAY NIGHT 10pm on HBO.;
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