โพสต์เมื่อ 24 ส.ค 2558 | 00:26 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

Heard a bang against the window, went outside and this beautiful little flying zombie was on its back and could only move its head. My first instinct was to eat him (whole, no chewing needed) but the loving and caring @laurenhashianofficial felt it was more appropriate we gently put him in a box and take him to the zombie hospital. I'm too busy of a man to be taking care of things like this, but we all must take care of God's creatures.. even these little zombies with wings. #OffToTheVetWeGo #WeThinkItsAChimneySwift #HakunaMaTweety #ItCanWatchTheBALLERSFinaleWithMeTonight #ThenIWillEatIt; -
Crazy story in that the character of SPENCER STRASMORE has been a total wish fulfillment scenario for me - his life of an NFL Super Bowl Champion and future Hall of Famer was the life I worked my ass off for years to achieve. It never worked out for me, but the role has inspired in ways I could've never imagined. Thank y'all for making it cool and special. Enjoy our final episode... we saved the best for last. #FunnyHowTheFailuresCanTurnIntoBlessings #AndAllThingsHappenForAReason #BALLERS SUNDAY 10PM on HBO. Ball out.; -
Click into the link in my profile for this EXCLUSIVE.. The long awaited #RocksUltimateBallOutPlaylist. 16 of my personal favorite songs to train and just ball out to. Enjoy these dope tracks 'cause it took me over an hour last night to put this shit together for y'all and @AppleMusic.🏾. Have fun and ball out. And yeah "Mack Man" from Willie Hutch is my gym entrance music. #YallAintReadyForThat #BALLERS #SeasonFinale SUNDAY NIGHT 10pm on HBO.; -
Yes we wanted to make a show that was dope, fun and had heart. Create a show that hopefully fans AND critics alike could enjoy (which often isn't the case). But one of the biggest elements me and my producing partners wanted to cultivate in BALLERS -- was DIVERSITY. Our cast is a real reflection of our society today - men and women of all colors. Shine light on the idea that regardless of what color we are or what side of tracks we come from - from relationships to work and everything else in between - we all deal with the same shit every single day. As a half Samoan, half Black with some crazy Irish mixed in, I'm proud of our show's recognition for diversity and most importantly, grateful to all of you who made our show a huge hit for HBO. THANK YOU. 🏾 Season finale of #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHT at 10PM on HBO.; -
Steppin' into the weekend like... #260lbsOfBrownEyedDancinSoul #PostWorkoutBliss #AlmostPulledMyGroin;
And no more f*cking Twitter. #LookAtMe #IUsedToDoAllThatCrazyShit #OkMaybeIStillDo #ThatsNotThePointDammit #BrotherlyLove #BALLERS #SeasonFinale THIS SUNDAY at 10PM on HBO.; -
Amazing storytelling and creative culture this man has created. Appreciate you welcoming me to "the family". PIXAR and DISNEY ANIMATION boss John Lasseter. #TheHawaiianShirtBaller #AndTheBrownTattooedBaldDude #MOANA; -
Get rich, get laid, have fun.. #CementingOurBrand #PutThatOnTheLetterHead #JustMyTequilaTalkinAgain #BALLERS #SeasonFinale SUNDAY 10pm on HBO.; -
22yrs old. 280lbs. Ran a 4.69 40 yard dash. #LegsOfARaceHorse #FaceOfAManWhoLivedOnFriedChicken #TBT #DefensiveTackle #UniversityOfMiami #TheU; -
Amazing how much satisfaction this dark thing gives me. And the Mophie is pretty cool too.. #TechNerdForLife #DirtySenseOfHumorToMatch #BallOut;
THANK Y'ALL. #LetsKeepThisBigRunGoing #SeasonFinale #BALLERS THIS SUNDAY AT 10pm on HBO.; -
Lonely at the top and a bitch at the bottom. Lived at both ends and everywhere in between.. and the great part is the hard work never changes. #MoneyCantBuyWorkEthic #ButItCanBuyADamnGoodPickUpTruck #SoLetsGetToWork; -
Had a blast with my girls! Bringing in my daughter Simone's birthday with endless love and crazy fun and celebrating with her sis @dinahjane97 of FIFTH HARMONY's album going PLATINUM and their new VMA nomination. Crazy thing is with all the cool success that surrounds these two, they're the most grateful, humble and hard working young girls around. #ProudPapaBear #LoveYall #AndTheyAreAlsoToughAsHell🏾; -
Takin' a quick break from training to say THANK YOU so much for making our show a huge HBO success. #BALLERS marathon begins this SUN at 330PM and our season finale begins at 10PM. #ThatsAWholeLottaDJOnHBO #DontJudgeMyFuckedUpCallousedHands #BALLERS 🏾; -
I came to the prison today to see two young men who were sentenced to our Dade County Boot Camp, but midway thru their six month stint they committed a crime and now both are looking at serving hard time for up 90 YEARS. I'd been following their progress over the past months and today was the day they WOULD'VE graduated and been free young men. Now it's done and they're future is bleak. Looked em both in the eyes and they know they fucked up and there's a heavy price they'll pay. It's also a reminder that no matter who we are or what we do, there's always consequences to every action. Keep ya heads up MG & JD. Like we talked about.. we get knocked down, we get back up. Lesson learned. Stay strong.;
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