โพสต์เมื่อ 19 ส.ค 2558 | 21:49 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
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Takin' a quick break from training to say THANK YOU so much for making our show a huge HBO success. #BALLERS marathon begins this SUN at 330PM and our season finale begins at 10PM. #ThatsAWholeLottaDJOnHBO #DontJudgeMyFuckedUpCallousedHands #BALLERS 🏾; -
I came to the prison today to see two young men who were sentenced to our Dade County Boot Camp, but midway thru their six month stint they committed a crime and now both are looking at serving hard time for up 90 YEARS. I'd been following their progress over the past months and today was the day they WOULD'VE graduated and been free young men. Now it's done and they're future is bleak. Looked em both in the eyes and they know they fucked up and there's a heavy price they'll pay. It's also a reminder that no matter who we are or what we do, there's always consequences to every action. Keep ya heads up MG & JD. Like we talked about.. we get knocked down, we get back up. Lesson learned. Stay strong.; -
The rate of recidivism in the U.S. prison system is over 70%. Meaning over 70% of inmates released from prison will commit a crime and return back to prison. Staggering. Here in Miami, we have one of the most hard core and unrelenting bootcamp prisons in the world. And our rate of recidivism is 8%. EIGHT PERCENT. I told these young men 6 months ago when they first arrived that the life they once knew, was over. That they would get broken down to their core - physically and mentally in ways they never imagined - but I also told them they would never break. Big difference. They never broke and today they graduate and become free men. Better men. Very proud of this program and the impact it has on our prison system and more importantly, caring about young lives that matter. Congratulations men. Just like we talked about.. be a leader, be disciplined and earn that respect. It's all up to you. #DadeCounty #BootCamp #Graduation #AGreatDay; -
6 months ago these youth offenders all faced prison time anywhere from 5yrs to life for a variety of crimes ranging from armed robbery to attempted murder. In front of the judge on the day of their sentencing they accepted to be placed in an extremely hardcore one of kind bootcamp. I gave them my word on their first night that would be broken down in ways they never knew imaginable... but if they stuck with it and didn't quit, they'd be built back up to become better men. That was 6 months ago. TODAY, in front of their families, drill instructors and judges they graduate and become free men. Stronger men. Better men. I'm very proud to show the world how impactful this one of a kind Dade County Bootcamp Program is and more importantly, proud to show the world how the lives of these young offenders matter. It's your day men. You've earned it. Now let's graduate! See you in a few hours. #DadeCounty #SevenBucksProds #HBO #RockAndAHardPlace #ChangeIsReal; -
"We don't want to win just one or two championships.. we want to create a LEGACY." #SeasonFinale #BALLERS NEXT SUNDAY at 10pm on HBO.;
The hustle's real.. TONIGHT at 10pm on HBO. #BeThere #BallOut #BALLERS; -
RIP ~ Louie. One of the greatest and most special dogs ever. Born 5yrs ago with some internal challenges that eventually became too much for his little body. He had a great life and was the BEST! Always down to ride, down to play, down to wander the house at all hours of the night waking everyone up (cause he had a little breathing problem so he breathed VERY loud;). Our families will miss you dearly Louie and thank you for an unforgettable and awesome 5yrs. And a big time thank you for jumping up on my chair, licking my face and always trying to hump my arm. 🏾🏾. #MemoriesIWillForeverCherish #MyBicepsServeAlotOfPurposes #WeLoveYouBuddy #RIPLouieTheG; -
You can take the boy out the country, but you just can't take the country out the boy.. #JustTouchedDown #AllNightRedEye #1RideWaitin #MyWorkHorse #FloridaBoy #DaddysHome Keep it 🏾; -
Thank you Big Jon and @worldgymburleigh in AUSTRALIA for creating this bad ass mural from my training session. My memories of shooting in the Gold Coast will always be incredible. Thank you for the hospitality, the love and above all else... some of the most hard core f*cking training sessions I've ever had. #FunPain #TheMindLeads #TheBodyObeys #EspeciallyWhenItsTimeForIceCream 🏾; -
Surprise surprise.. thank y'all for this incredible ovation. And by "incredible ovation" I mean "going ape shit". #StageRocked #MicDropped #DISNEYFamily #WelcomedWithOpenArms;
Damn I love surprising people!! Stepped out on stage and 8,000 people went bananas!! Want to thank our brilliant filmmakers for their inspired and magical work on #MOANA. Our early footage is a testament to us creating something very special for the world to enjoy. Thank you to my friend and PIXAR and DISNEY ANIMATION Chief John Lasseter for being the best partner and welcoming me with open arms into the DISNEY family. Lastly and more importantly... THANK YOU FANS for that incredible and awesome ovation! I'm the luckiest SOB around to have the greatest fans in the world. #DISNEYFamily #DreamsComeTrue #D23Expo #MOANA NOVEMBER 2016.; -
DISNEY had a "Twitter-cam" gimmick on the red carpet yesterday and asked me to pose and sign my full name. Oh I'll be happy to... #FirstNameHand #LastNameSome #UncleHandsome #D23Expo #MOANA NOVEMBER 2016.; -
We stepped on set and my boy Giancarlo said "Hey Rock wanna take some BP?". I said "Why so I can hit pop ups in front of everybody and you can bash em outta the park? Sheeeeyat.. I'm good brotha..". A great dude who did a great job for us on #BALLERS. This SUNDAY 10pm on HBO. #Repost @giancarlo818 ・・・ Had fun on set with my bros @TheRock & @Cudlitz . Be sure to catch us on #Ballers tomorrow at 10PM on @HBO; -
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to my #1 agent and more importantly, my brother Brad Slater @bslater9. Awesome husband, dad and tremendous Team Rock leader who matches my ambition and drive and I'm proud of the business we accomplish together. Happy Born Day brother! #TheRealMVP #Family4Life #Onward #Upward #LetsGetDrunkTonightAndEatJunkFood; -
Me and Mrs Jooooooooones... (some of y'all know that classic jam;). Great seeing my homegirl @rashidajones and choppin' up our ethnicities, world domination and how cool she's gonna make TOY STORY 4 for Pixar (she's writing it). This woman's doin' big things! Proud of ya and I'll see ya down the road. #JustTwoMultiRacialKidsDoingTheirThing #OneWentToHarvard #TheOtherWentToTheU #ButBothDirtyDirty 🏾;
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