โพสต์เมื่อ 12 ก.ค. 2558 | 04:26 น.

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)
ของ เดอะร็อค (ดเวย์น จอห์นสัน)

After just 3 episodes, great reviews and you - our dope fans - making #BALLERS the hit show of the summer... Our partners at @HBO have officially ordered a SEASON 2 of #BALLERS. Lots of characters' layers to peel back, asses to kick and stories to unfold. Writing for season 2 has commenced.. #BallOut #BALLERS SUNDAYS 10pm on HBO.; -
All in the eyes. Can't wait for TONIGHT.. #McGregorVsMendez #LawlerVsMacDonald #ATT #UFC189; -
Love having crew members' families on set.. especially the lil' ones who steal my heart. Ella is 3yrs old, beautiful and clearly very smart for recognizing my handsome-ness and even more smart for knowing to never give your cool boots away. #Im6foot5 #260lbs #AndTurnIntoPutty #WhenTheLittleOnesComeRound; -
HUGE NEWS: After just 3 episodes, excellent critic reviews and you - our ballin' fans - making it a huge summer hit, @HBO has just ordered SEASON 2 for #BALLERS. Proud to have our #7BucksProductions produce the show with brilliant/hungry partners makin' some quality with characters y'all dig. Promise to raise the bar and ball out for SEASON 2. Thank y'all so much... #BALLERS SUNDAY'S 10pm on HBO.; -
20 million and growin'... #ExtendedFamily #LoveYall #ThankYall #BadAssSumbitches;
Just stoppin' in to thank y'all for makin' #BALLERS @HBO's new hit show of the summer. We wanted to make something fun you could watch, but more importantly some good quality. #StayHustlin #StayBallin Thank y'all again for enjoyin' #BALLERS SUNDAY NIGHTS 10pm on HBO.; -
#TBT Bob here is being a punk cause he knows it's picture time and I'm trying to look cool. While Jeffery is like "I'm a straight baller" so take the picture. Miss ya boys. See ya soon. #OurFarm; -
Thank you boys. Always got your backs. Appreciate you always havin' ours.. #NYPD #ESU #Truck9 #UnexpectedCompany; -
#TBT They killed his mother when he was a little boy... now he's back for revenge and they're gonna pay.. DEERLY. #ImBambiBitch #DeerCrossingMF #4xHost #SaturdayNightLive; -
Shooting #CentralIntelligence our goals are to be funny as hell, but also have the dopest action. This action style is called #BikeFu where the rider utilizes his bike as a bad ass martial arts weapon. The rider is a master and one of the best in the world @jackfield1. And the target is my face. Welcome to the set of #CentralIntelligence. #BeingALittleCrazy #KeepsUsFromGoingInsane #TougherThanJackman #BringIt COMING MAY 2016.;
He smiles thru the joy and more importantly, smiles thru the pain. Many of y'all know that hustle... #SpencerStrasmore #BALLERS SUNDAY'S 10pm on @HBO.; -
This is Bob. He's one of the most lethal operatives the C.I.A's ever had. Marches by the beat of his own unique drum. Loves Public Enemy, can drink a case of Bud Light in one hour and appreciates unicorns. And the most important thing.. Bob hates bullies. No seriously.. he f*cks them up. Havin' a lot of fun playing this character. #OnSet #CentralIntelligence COMING MAY 2016. Fight the power...; -
When my partner in grind @kevinhart4real shows up on our #CentralIntelligence set and tells me it's his birthday, I respond in the most compassionate, sweet and loving way I know how... F*ck your birthday. #BrotherlyLove #HappyBirthdayRockstar #UnicornsAndMiddleFingers; -
Here's 15 seconds on the pre game pump up video Head Coach Jill Ellis asked me to deliver to our Women's National Soccer Team yesterday before they took the field. I got fired up. They became World Champions. Very proud of our girls.. #ImaHoldTheCussWords #USWNT #WorldChampions; -
Wakin' up at that "you gotta be sh*ttin' me" hour. AM cardio starts now, then breakfast, then strength/conditioning training, then head to set to shoot all day. The hustle is real.. so is this gorilla breath. #HardestWorkersInTheRoom #3CupsOfUnleadedShouldDoTheTrick #AndAShotOfListerine #LetsRoll;
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